
Modifies an existing Enterprise Manager administrator.


Standard Mode

emcli modify_user
[-type="type of user"]

Interactive or Script Mode

[,type="type of user"]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    Administrator name.

  • password

    Replaces the administrator password with the specified password.

  • type

    Converts to the specified type of user. Possible values for this parameter are EM_USER, EXTERNAL_USER, and DB_EXTERNAL_USER. The Default value of this parameter is EM_USER.

  • roles

    Replace current roles with the specified list of Enterprise Manager roles to grant to this administrator. Currently, the built-in roles include PUBLIC.

  • email

    Replaces current email addresses for this administrator with the specified list. To delete all email addresses for this administrator, specify an empty string.

  • privilege

    Privilege to grant to this administrator. You can specify this option more than once. Specify <secure_resource_details> as:


    To retrieve the list of SYSTEM privileges, which do not require resource information, execute the following emcli command:

    emcli get_supported_privileges -type=SYSTEM

    To retrieve the complete list of privileges and resource column names, execute the following command:

    emcli get_supported_privileges

    To retrieve the list of TARGET privileges, execute the following emcli command:

    emcli retrieve -type=TARGET

    To retrieve the list of job privileges, execute the following emcli command:

    emcli get_supported_privileges -type=JOB

  • separator

    Specify a string delimiter to use between name-value pairs for the value of the -privilege option. The default separator delimiter is ";".

  • subseparator

    Specify a string delimiter to use between name and value in each name-value pair for the value of the -privilege option. The default subseparator delimiter is ":".

  • profile

    Database profile name. It uses DEFAULT as the default profile name.

  • desc

    User description for the user being modified.

  • expired

    Valid values are true or false. Use this option to expire the password immediately. The default is false.

  • prevent_change_password

    Valid values are true or false. When set to true, you cannot change your own password. The default is false.

  • department

    Name of the department of the administrator.

  • cost_center

    Cost center of the administrator in the organization.

  • line_of_business

    Line of business of the administrator.

  • contact

    Contact information for the administrator.

  • location

    Location of the administrator.

Exit Codes

0 if successful. A non-zero value indicates that verb processing was unsuccessful.


Example 1

This example modifies the new_admin administrator. The user will have two privileges: to view the job with ID 923470234ABCDFE230184947530911111 and to view the target The user will also be granted role PUBLIC. The user email addresses will be set to and

emcli modify_user

Example 2

This example deletes all the email addresses and privileges for administrator new_admin. Note that -privilege="" and -privilege are equivalent if specified at the command line in a UNIX shell.

emcli modify_user