
Provisions a hardware server using configuration properties from the input file. The configuration properties required for a component can be viewed from the Cloud Control console. After you make a provisioning request, you can view the status of the request from the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console by using the assignment name (specified by you or the automatically generated name returned to you).


emcli provision

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • image

    Path to the image (includes the image name). This is the image used for provisioning.

  • network

    Path name of the network profile.

  • bootserver

    Name of the boot server.

    Format: hostName:Directory Path

  • stageserver

    Name of the stage server. hostName:Directory Path.

  • Stgcredentials

    User name of the stage server.

  • schedule

    Time when provisioning should be scheduled. This is a string argument that contains multiple name-value pairs separated by `;'. This is used to schedule the provisioning operation. "type" can be `immediate' or `onetime'. If "type" is not immediate, the other values are expected in the Time Zone: string, which is a timezone ID of the format:

    zone Sign TwoDigitHours:Minutes

    zone: Time zone ID (GMT, PDT, and so forth)

    Sign: one of "+ -"

    TwoDigitHours: Digit Digit

    Minutes: Digit Digit

    Digit: One of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    Startdt: Date string of the format: MM/DD/YY

    Starttm: Time string of the format: HH:MM

  • resettimeout

    Reset timeout for the hardware server in minutes.

  • target

    Target hardware server is specified using the hardware label type.

  • input_file

    File containing configuration properties.

    For more information about the input_file parameter, see -input_file Syntax Guidelines.

  • assignment

    Name of the assignment.

  • desc

    Assignment description. The description is automatically generated if not specified.


This example submits a job to provision myimage on a target with the label of mylabel. The job runs immediately with a reset timeout of 100 minutes. Image properties are picked from properties.txt that overrides the default image. properties.stageserver is used as the staging server, and /private/share as the staging storage with joe as the user name.

emcli provision
      -assignment="provision mylabel"