
Sends change request data to the Change Management Connector, and data processed into the Configuration Change Console. Some of the properties (such as connector_guid, target, and facet) are to be specified as part of customization. All of the data should be able to be mapped to the data required in publishChangeRequest.xsd after XSLT.


emcli publish_change_request_ccc


  • connector_guid

  • change_id

  • last_modified_date

  • properties_list

    Specify all relevant properties of the Change Management System required for CCC to process a change request.

    The properties are name,value pairs to be specified as prop_name1=value1;prop_name2=value2 with no quotes for values.

    prop_name and values cannot contain the equals sign (=) or semi-colons (;).

  • date_format

    Specify a date format in the Change Management System:

    MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss if the date field in change management is "09/14/2011 5:38:24 AM"