
Removes a storage location from the software library. The alternate storage location where the existing files need to be migrated should also be specified. For upload file storage types, OMS shared and the OMS Agent file system, a job is submitted to perform the migration of files, subsequent to which the location is removed. For these upload file storage types, the alternate location need not be of the same storage type, which is not the case for locations of referenced file storage types.


emcli remove_swlib_storage_location 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    Name of the storage location to be removed.

  • type

    Type of storage location, which can be one of:

  • migrate_to_loc

    Name of the alternate storage location where existing files need to be migrated.

  • migrate_to_type

    Type of the alternate storage location, which can be one of:


    The default is the storage type of the location being removed.


    This option can be different from the type option specified only for OmsShared and OmsAgent storage types. For all other storage types, migrating files across storage types is not supported, and therefore, type and migrate_to_type (if specified) must be the same.


Example 1

This example removes an OMS shared file system storage location named 'myOMSSharedLocation' and migrates all of its files to another OMS shared file system storage location named 'myNewOMSSharedLocation'. A job is submitted for performing the file migration. The location being removed will be moved to 'Inactive' status during file migration and subsequently removed.

emcli remove_swlib_storage_location 

Example 2

This example removes an OMS shared file system storage location named 'myOMSSharedLocation' and migrates all of its files to an OMS Agent file system storage location named 'myNewAGTLocation'. A job is submitted for performing the file migration. The location being removed will be moved to 'Inactive' status during file migration and subsequently removed.

emcli remove_swlib_storage_location         -name="myOMSSharedLocation"         -type="OmsShared"        -migrate_to_loc="myNewAGTLocation"         -migrate_to_type="OmsAgent"