
Revokes licenses on a set of user-specified packs, or all packs to a set of user-specified targets, or all targets belonging to the input licensable target type.

For 11g database targets, you cannot enable or disable the Database Diagnostic and Tuning Packs through the user interface. You need to set the control_management_pack_access initialization parameter to manage your licenses. For information about this option, see the Enterprise Database Management chapter of Oracle Enterprise Manager Licensing Information.


You can use this verb to revoke licenses for standalone target types, such as hosts and databases, but you cannot use this verb to revoke licenses for the parent Application Server (oracle_ias) target type, which has dependent target types of OC4J, Jserv, Web Cache, and so forth. To do this, use the revoke_license_with_validation verb instead.

For example, for pack ias_config and an Application Server target of AS1 with an associated dependent target of OC4J1, this verb revokes the license to AS1, but this does not propagate to OC4J1.


emcli revoke_license_no_validation      -type="target_type"      [-targets="tname1;tname2;..."]      [-packs="pack1;pack2;..."]      [-file="file_name"]      [-displayAllMessages]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • type

    Target type as it exists in the database. Names cannot contain colons ( : ), semi-colons ( ; ), or any leading or trailing blanks. You can specify only one target type at a time; for example, -type="oracle_database".

  • targets

    Targets should be specified in the following sequence:


    For example:


    The semi-colon ( ; ) is the target separator.

    See the "Examples" section below for information about providing arguments for the targets .

  • packs

    License packs should be specified in the following sequence:


    For example:


    The semi-colon ( ; ) is the pack separator.

    See the "Examples" section below for information about providing arguments for the pack .

  • file

    Specify the file name, including the complete path. For example:


    The file should contain the list of targets and packs according to the following cases:

    • If you only need to provide a list of targets, use the following format:

    • If you only need to provide a list of packs, use the following format:

    • If you need to provide a list of both targets and packs, use the following format:

       targets=database1;database2;database3; packs=db_diag;db_config;
  • displayAllMessages

    Displays all messages. Only error messages are displayed by default. "=value" is not allowed on the command line.


Example 1 and Example 2 below revoke licenses of specific packs for specific targets. In order to know which target types and pack names you can pass as arguments, you can use the view named mgmt_license_view to see a list of licensable targets, their target types, and the list of packs licensed on them.

To obtain this information, do the following:

  1. Access SQL*Plus with your username and password, using sysman or other user that has access to sysman.mgmt_license_view.

  2. Select a distinct pack name from sysman.mgmt_license_view, where:


This example shows pack names for an Oracle database you specify as the target type.

7 rows selected.

Based on this information, to revoke a license to the database1 target for the db_chgmgt pack, you would enter the following command:

emcli revoke_license_no_validation -type="oracle_database" -targets="database1" -packs="db_chgmgt"

The only limitation of mgmt_license_view is that it only lists the packs for a target type where the pack is granted to at least one target of that type. That is, if the pack is not granted to any target of that type, mgmt_license_view cannot provide any information.

Example 1

This example revokes the license of the db_diag and db_config packs to database1, database2, and database3 targets (oracle_database target type):

emcli revoke_license_no_validation -type="oracle_database"           -targets="database1;database2;database3;" -packs="db_diag;db_config;"

Example 2

This example revokes the license of the db_diag and db_config packs to all database targets in the setup:

emcli revoke_license_no_validation -type="oracle_database"