
Schedules health checks for an operation plan. Optionally, configured users can be notified about scheduled health-check reports.


emcli schedule_siteguard_health_checks 
              start_time:yyyy| MM | dd HH:mm; 
              [tz:"java timezone ID";]                             
              [frequency:interval | weekly | monthly| yearly;] 
              [end_time:yyyy | MM | dd HH:mm;] 
   [-notify="true" | "false"] 
[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • operation_plan

    Name of the operation plan for which health checks must be scheduled.

  • schedule

    Time when health checks need to run. The possible values for this option are:

    • start_time

      Date and time when health checks need to be executed.

    • tz

      Time zone ID to run health checks.

    • frequency

      Frequency at which you want to execute health checks. The valid values for this option are once, interval, weekly, monthly, and yearly. If the frequency is set to interval, then the values for the parameter repeat must be specified. If the frequency is set to weekly or monthly, then the days when the health check needs to be executed must be specified. If frequency is set to yearly, then both days and months when the health checks need to be executed must be specified.

    • repeat

      Frequency of repetition of the health checks. You need to enter the values for this option only if the frequency is set to 'interval'. You need to specify one of the following values for this option:

      • days

        Enter the list of days that the health checks need to be executed for the specified operation plan. Use commas to separate the items in the list. This value is required only if the frequency is set to weekly, monthly, or yearly. If frequency is set to weekly, then the valid range is 1 to 7. If the frequency is set to monthly or yearly, then the valid range is 1 to 30.

      • months

        Enter the list of months that the health checks need to be executed for the specified operation plan. Use commas to separate the items in the list. This value is required only if the frequency is set to monthly. If the frequency is set to monthly, then the valid range is 1 to 12.

    • end_time

      Time when the health check should end. This option must option is optional. If the values for this option are not specified, the health checks run indefinitely.

    • grace_period

      Values of the grace period for the health check scheduled for the specified operation plan. Enter the values in minutes.

  • notify

    Emails the health check reports to the configured users. If this option is set to true, then the configured users receive an email notification of the health-check execution report.

  • email

    Email address of the configured users who should be notified about the health-check reports. The email addresses specified need to be those of registered users.


Example 1

This example schedules a health check for the austin-switchover operation plan to start on 2014/10/29 at 2:00 a.m. and to run daily. The example also notifies the configured user by sending an email to

emcli schedule_siteguard_health_checks 
        -schedule="start_time:2014/10/29 2:00;frequency:interval;repeat:1d" 

Example 2

This example schedules a health check for the austin-failover operation plan to start on 2014/08/10 at 1:00 a.m., New York timezone. The example also schedules the health check to run on Saturday and Sunday of every week, with a grace period of 60 minutes:

emcli schedule_siteguard_health_checks 
        -schedule="start_time:2014/08/10 01:00;frequency:weekly;days:6,7;grace_period:60;tz:America/New_York"