
Sets and updates the Database as a Service (DBaaS) target properties by providing the database unique name of an underlying database target and property name/value for the service target.


emcli set_db_service_properties
      -db_unique_name="database unique name"
      -property_name="property name"
      -property_value="property value"


  • db_unique_name

    The database name of the database target on which the DBaaS target relies. You can find this name on the Last Collected page of the database target, or you can query for it.

  • property_name

    The target property name of a DBaaS target (for example, company_gtp_cost_center, company_gtp_line_of_bus, company_gtp_contact).

  • property_value

    Value you want to assign to the database target's property name of the DBaaS target.


The following example shows how to set a property value of web_group1 for the dev_cost_center property name of the company_e_commerce database:

emcli set_db_service_properties -db_unique_name="company_e_commerce" -property_name="dev_cost_center" -property_value="web_group1"