
Sets the default privilege delegation settings for one or more platforms.


Standard Mode

emcli set_default_privilege_delegation_setting

Interactive or Script Mode


[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional

Exit Codes

0 on success. A non-zero value means verb processing was not successful.


  • default_setting_list

    List of default settings per platform. Supported platforms: Linux, HP-UX, AIX, SunOS.

  • separator

    By default, multi-value input attributes use the semicolon ( ; ) character as a separator. Specifying this option overrides the default separator value.

    Example: separator="<attribute_name=sep_char>" where attribute_name is the name of the attribute for which you want to override the separator character, and sep_char is new separator character.

    Example: separator="att=#" changes the separator character to a pound sign (#).

  • subseparator

    By default, multi-value input attributes use the colon ( : ) character as the sub-separator. Specifying this option overrides the default sub-separator value.

    Example: subseparator="<attribute_name=sep_char" where attribute_name is the name of the attribute for which you want to override the separator character, and sep_char is the new sub-separator character.

    Example: subseparator="att=#" changes the sub-separator character to a pound sign.


Example 1

This example sets the privilege delegation setting to SUDO1 for Linux platforms and SUDO2 for HP-UX platforms.

emcli set_default_privilege_delegation_setting

Example 2

This example sets the privilege delegation setting to SUDO_SETTING_1 for Linux and SUDO_SETTING_2 for HP-UX. The default separator has been changed to a comma ( , ) and the subseparator to a hash tag (#).

emcli set_default_privilege_delegation_setting