
Submits a deployment procedure or a pre-saved procedure configuration.


emcli submit_procedure
          start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm;
          tz:{java timezone ID};

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • input_file

    Input data for the Deployment Procedure. The file_path should point to a file containing the data properties file.

    For more information about the input_file parameter, see -input_file Syntax Guidelines.

  • procedure

    GUID of the procedure to execute.

  • name

    Name of the procedure or procedure configuration.

  • owner

    Owner of the procedure or procedure configuration.

  • parent_proc

    Procedure of the procedure configuration, this applies to a procedure configuration when there is both a procedure and a procedure configuration with the same name.

  • instance_name

    Name of the procedure instance.

  • grants

    Users and their corresponding access levels designated as a string of user:privilege pairs each separated by ; .


    user = Enterprise Manager user name

    privilege = VIEW_JOB or FULL_JOB

  • schedule

    Schedule for the deployment procedure. If not specified, the procedure is executed immediately.

    start_time — When the procedure should start

    tz — Optional time zone ID

Output Columns

Instance GUID


emcli submit_procedure -procedure=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61 -grants="user1:VIEW_JOB;user2:
FULL_JOB" -schedule="start_time:2006/6/21 21:23;tz:America/New_York;
grace_period:60" -instance_name="MyProcedureInstance_0001"

For more information on the procedures to deploy, redeploy, and undeploy a Java EE application using EMCLI, see Deploying / Redeploying / Undeploying Java EE Applications Using EMCLI in the Enterprise Manager Lifecycle Management Administrator's Guide.