
Switches the monitoring Management Agent of a particular cluster to the Management Agent of another host. The other host must be a member of the same cluster, and Cluster target must be available on that host.


Standard Mode

emcli switch_cluster_agent 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional. 

Interactive or Script Mode


[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional. 


  • cluster

    Target name of the cluster whose monitoring Management Agent should be switched to the Management Agent on another host in the cluster.

  • host

    Name of the other host to which the monitoring Management Agent of the cluster should be switched. The other host must be a member of the same cluster, the Management Agent on that host must be up and running, and the cluster target on that host must be available.

  • debug

    Whether you want to turn on or turn off the debugging mode.

Exit Codes

0 if successful. A non-zero value indicates that verb processing was unsuccessful.


The following example switches the monitoring Management Agent of the cluster cluster_target_name_1 to the Management Agent of the host host_target_name_1.

emcli switch_cluster_agent        -cluster=cluster_target_name_1