
Supply the metric picks to use to replace UDMs per target in a session.


emcli udmmig_submit_metricpicks


  • session_id

    Specify the ID that was returned when the session was created, or from the output of udmmig_summary.

  • input_file

    Specify a file name that contains a target, UDM, metric pick, one per line in the following format:

    <targetType>,<targetName>,<collection name>,[N/E],<metric>,<column>

    Use N if a new metric should be created, or E if an existing metric is referenced.

    For more information about the input_file parameter, see -input_file Syntax Guidelines.


This example provides the mapping from UDM to the metric extension through the file input_picks.

emcli udmmig_submit_metricpicks -session_id=<sessionId> -input_file=metric_picks:input_picks