
Update privileges required to get/set global preferred credentials. You can update privileges for a single credential set, for all credential sets of a specific target type, or for the entire system (all target types).


Standard Mode

emcli update_credential_set

Interactive or Script Mode


[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • set_name

    Credential set name for which privileges need to be updated.

  • target_type

    Target type for the target/credential set.

  • get_priv

    Name of the privilege required to get the system scoped credential set.

  • update_priv

    Name of the privilege required to set/clear the system scoped credential set.

  • update_default_priv

    Name of the privilege required to set/clear the default global scoped preferred credentials for the set.

Exit Codes

0 on success. A non-zero value indicates that verb processing was not successful.


This example changes the privilege get_priv to VIEW_TARGET across all target types and all credential set names.

emcli update_credential_set -get_priv=VIEW_TARGET