
Updates the ticket status and last modified time stamp in Enterprise Manager from the external ticketing system based on the ticket_guid and connector_guid.


emcli update_ticket_status    -ticket_guid="ticket guid"    -connector_guid="connector guid"    -status="Incident status"    -last_updated_date="last modified date"    -date_format=


  • ticket_guid

    Ticket ID for which the status is modified.

  • connector_guid

    Ticketing Connector ID.

  • status

    Modified status of an incident ticket.

  • last_updated_date

    Specifies the last modified date of an incident ticket.

  • date_format

    Specify a date format followed in the Ticketing System, as in "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" if the date field in Incident management is "10/13/2009 5:38:24 AM".


This example updates the ticket INC00000024 status as 'In Progress' in Enterprise Manager after the same ticket status was recently modified on the ticketing system.

emcli update_ticket_status
  -last_updated_date="05/28/2011 3:14:56PM"
  -date_format="MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss"