
Lists EM CLI verb versions or the EM CLI client version.


emcli version
    [-script | -format=

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • verb_name

    Verb name filter. Selects matching EM CLI verb names. When you specify this , an output table shows the version for each verb whose name matches <verb_name_filter>. The EM CLI client version is displayed when you do not specify this option.

    Verb filters use regular expression pattern matching unless you specify -exact_match. A zero-length filter matches everything.


    For Unix csh, use single quotes around a filter value containing '$' .

  • exact_match

    Uses exact matching for filters.

  • noheader

    Displays tabular information without column headers.

  • script

    This is equivalent to -format="name:script".

  • format

    Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").

    • format="name:pretty" prints the output table in a readable format not intended to be parsed by scripts.

    • format="name:script" sets the default column separator to a tab and the default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can be specified to change these defaults.

    • format="name:csv" sets the column separator to a comma and the row separator to a newline.

    • format=column_separator:"column_sep_string" column-separates the verb output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the newline character.

    • row_separator:"row_sep_string" row-separates the verb output by <row_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the tab character.

Output Columns

Verb, Version (when -verb_name is specified)


Example 1

This example shows the version for all verbs with names that contain a substring matching "elp" or with names that begin with "ver" or "lo", contains "i", and ends with "n:"

emcli version -verb_name="elp|^(ver|lo).*i.*n$"

Example 2

This example shows the version for all verbs with names that exactly match the string "setup." Alternatively, you could use the -exact_match .

emcli version -verb_name="^setup$"