11 Oracle Identity Manager Cluster Compliance Standards

These are the compliance rules for the Oracle Identity Manager Cluster compliance standards

Oracle Identity Manager Cluster Configuration Compliance

The compliance rules for the Oracle Identity Manager Cluster Configuration Compliance standard follow.

Blocks Size

Description: Ensures Blocks size is at least 8192 bytes for the Oracle Database which Oracle Identity Manager is connecting to.

Severity: Minor Warning

Rationale: Having Blocks size less than 8192 bytes may slower the performance.

Change Log Adapter Parameters

Description: Change Log Adapter Parameters

Severity: Warning

Rationale: Make sure the Max Pool Size Should be 500, Operation Timeout should be 1500000 and Max Pool Wait whould be 1000

Cursor Sharing

Description: Ensures configuration property CURSOR_SHARING is set to FORCE for the Oracle Database which Oracle Identity Manager is connecting to.

Severity: Minor Warning

Rationale: Having CURSOR_SHARING to non-FORCE may slower the performance.

Database Statistics

Description: Gathering Database Statistics

Severity: Warning

Rationale: Database statistics is essential for the Oracle optimizer to select an optimal plan in running the SQL queries. It is recommended that the statistics be collected regularly for OIM and also OIM dependent schemas *_MDS, *_SOAINFRA, *_OPSS and *_ORASDPM.

Initial Number Of Database Writer Processes

Description: Ensures the initial number of Database Writer Process is at least 2 for the Oracle Database which Oracle Identity Manager is connecting to.

Severity: Minor Warning

Rationale: Having initial number of Database Writer Process less than 2 may slower the performance.

Keep Buffer Pool

Description: Ensures KEEP Buffer Pool is at least 800M for the Oracle Database which Oracle Identity Manager is connecting to.

Severity: Minor Warning

Rationale: Having KEEP Buffer Pool size below 800M may slower the performance.

Log Buffer

Description: Ensures Log Buffer is at least 15MB for the Oracle Database which Oracle Identity Manager is connecting to.

Severity: Minor Warning

Rationale: Having Log Buffer size below 15MB may slower the performance.

Maximum Number Of Open Cursors

Description: Ensures the maximum number of Open Cursors is less than 2000 for the Oracle Database which Oracle Identity Manager is connecting to.

Severity: Minor Warning

Rationale: Having maximum number of Open Cursors greater than 2000 may slower the performance.

Maximum Number Of Blocks Read In One I/O Operation

Description: Ensures the maximum number of blocks read in one I/O operation is at most 16 for the Oracle Database which Oracle Identity Manager is connecting to.

Severity: Minor Warning

Rationale: Having more than 16 blocks read in one I/O operation may slower the performance.

Query Rewrite Integrity

Description: Ensures the Query Rewrite Integrity is set to TRUSTED for the Oracle Database which Oracle Identity Manager is connecting to.

Severity: Minor Warning

Rationale: Having Query Rewrite Integrity set to non-TRUSTED may slower the performance.

Redo Logs

Description: Redo Logs

Severity: Warning

Rationale: Start with an initial size of 512 MB and continue to monitor redo logs for contention or frequent log switches.

Secure File Storage For Orchestration

Description: LOB segments in Orchestration related tables (ORCHPROCESS, ORCHEVENTS) should be stored in SECUREFILE. Migrate LOB columns ORCHESTRATION and CONTEXVAL in ORCHPROCESS table and RESULT column in ORCHEVENTS table to SECUREFILE from BASICFILE.

Severity: Warning

Rationale: LOB segments in Orchestration related tables (ORCHPROCESS, ORCHEVENTS) should be stored in SECUREFILE.

Session Cursors To Cache

Description: Ensures the number of Session Cursors to cache is at least 800 for the Oracle Database which Oracle Identity Manager is connecting to.

Severity: Minor Warning

Rationale: Having number of Session Cursors to cache below 800 may slower the performance.

Text Index Optimization(Catalog)

Description: Text Index optimization(Catalog)

Severity: Warning

Rationale: Make sure FAST_OPTIMIZE_CAT_TAGS and REBUILD_OPTIMIZE_CAT_TAGS jobs scheduled via DBMS_SCHEDULER should be enabled.These jobs help optimizing the text index on regular basis, removes the old data and minimizes the fragmentation, which can improve the search performance of Access Request Catalog.

User Adapter Parameters

Description: User Adapter Parameters

Severity: Warning

Rationale: Make sure the Max Pool Size Should be 500, Operation Timeout should be 1500000 and Max Pool Wait whould be 1000