Cloud Control Repository Sizing

Database sizing considerations for Real-time monitoring depend on several factors. The most important factor is the number of observations expected in a month. The second factor is the number of months data will be retained in the repository. Repository retention rates are explained in the Enterprise Manager Administration Guide.

In general, each observation consumes roughly 1.5KB of space in the database. This is a guideline and this number can vary depending on many factors for each installation.

For example, if a customer expected a total of 10 million Real-time observations per month across all targets and wanted to retain the data for 12 months, then the database size required for this would be roughly 180GB.

10,000,000 Observations x 12 Months x 1500 Bytes = 180,000,000,000 Bytes

This size represents Real-time monitoring data only and does not include database storage needs for other areas of Cloud Control.

The number of observations to expect per month can vary from environment to environment and can also depend on what types of monitoring are configured. You may be required to tune the expected size over time after Rules and Facets have been enabled for some time and configured to fit the organizations requirements. You can easily find your observations usage over a month by selecting Compliance from the Enterprise menu, then choosing Browse By Systems UI Report from the Real-time Observations page to select your systems and see the related counts of observations for each system over a period of time.