Configuring Program Resource Utilization Monitoring Criteria

Enterprise Manager monitors the CPU resources consumed by the combination of <program name, owner> on hosts running various flavors of UNIX operating systems. The operator should configure the criteria for monitoring the resources consumed. This facility can be used for usage tracking of CPU resources.

The operator should specify the criteria for program resource utilization monitoring by using the Monitoring Settings Page.

To configure the program resource utilization criteria, do the following:

  1. On the Metric and Collection Settings page, select All metrics in the View menu. Locate the Program Resource Utilization metrics. The metrics are:
    • Program's Max CPU Time Accumulated (Minutes)

    • Program's Max CPU Utilization (%)

    • Program's Max Process Count

    • Program's Max Resident Memory (MB)

    • Program's Min Process Count

    • Program's Total CPU Time Accumulated (Minutes)

    • Program's Total CPU Utilization (%)

  2. After reviewing each metric, decide which metrics need to change. Click the pencil icon to navigate to the corresponding Edit Advanced Settings page.
  3. You can edit or remove existing criteria by selecting the row from the Monitored Objects table and clicking Edit or Remove. Refer to Notes about Specifying Monitored Objects for details on configuring the criteria.

Notes about Specifying Monitored Object

Set of <Program Name, Owner> specifies the criteria to be monitored. Each row in the Monitored Object table specifies an unique criteria to be monitored.

Column Description

Program Name

Program name is the name of the command being executed on the host operating system. On UNIX systems, ps command displays the name for each process being executed.Either exact name or name with SQL wild cards (% and _) can be specified for program name. SQL wild card matches 0 or more characters. SQL wild card _ matches exactly one character.


Owner is the name of the user running the given process on the host operating system. On UNIX systems, ps command displays the name for each process being executed.Either exact name or name with SQL wild cards (% and _) can be specified for owner. SQL wild card matches 0 or more characters. SQL wild card _ matches exactly one character.