Ksplice Metrics


To access the Ksplice Metrics, from the Host menu on a host's home page, select Configuration, and then click Latest. The Oracle Linux Host needs the latest Ksplice software to be installed and configured with Oracle Premium Support before these metrics can report data. For more information, see Oracle Ksplice User's Guide.
The following attributes are covered under Ksplice:
  1. Ksplice

    • Ksplice Version
      • This attribute reports the version of the Ksplice software installed on the target host.

    • Ksplice Status
      • This reports if the host is configured to get updates from the Ksplice Server or if Ksplice offline.

    • Base Kernel Version
      • This attribute queries the stock Kernel running in the system.

      • This version does not represent the patched version, it shows only the one that booted the system.

    • Effective Kernel Version
      • This attribute reports the Effective Kernel which means the Kernel version after the live patching including security fixes and others.

      • It also reports the date when the last applied patch was built.

    • Kernel Status
      • This attribute reports if the kernel of the host is up-to-date or out-of-date. A system is updated if it has all the available Ksplice patches installed.

      • In case Ksplice is offline, it is based on the uptrack-updates-`uname -r` package installed on the system.

    • Kernel Patches Installed
      • This reports the count of Ksplice packages installed on the system.

    • User Space Status
      • This attribute reports if the host's User Space Ksplice aware packages are up to date or if it is out of date.

      • In case Ksplice is offline, it is based on the local repository configured on the system.

    • User Space Packages Installed
      • This attribute reports the count of Ksplice User Space packages installed on the system.

  2. Kernel Installed Patches
    • This attribute reports the installed Ksplice patches in the system.

  3. Kernel Available Patches
    • This attribute lists the available Ksplice patches for the system, in short it list the patches that have not yet been installed.

    • This information is derived based on the Ksplice configuration.
      • In case a Ksplice host is configured with a Ksplice server, it gets that information from the server.

      • In case the Ksplice is offline, it reflects the data based on the uptrack-updates-`uname -r` package installed on the system.

  4. User Space Installed Packages
    • This attribute reports the Ksplice User Space packages installed on the system.