Modifying Data Retention Periods

Real-time Monitoring features use partitioning and data retention configuration.

The following are the tables along with their default retention periods. When changing any retention periods, all tables related to Real-time monitoring must be changed to the same value to ensure that data is consistent across various features.


For more information about modifying data retention values, see the chapter "Maintaining and Troubleshooting the Management Repository" in the book Oracle Enterprise Manager Administration.

Table Name Default Retention Period Description


366 Days

This table stores warnings from the agents when we detect that monitoring was not active.


366 Days

This table stores history of all Enterprise Manager Jobs that are run as part of the Real-time Monitoring functionality.


366 Days

This table stores each individual observation of a user action (for example, each file change, login/logout, process start/stop, each database object change, and so on.


366 Days

This table stores information about how a single observation is related to a bundle based on the bundle settings set in the Real-time Monitoring Rule's user interface.


366 Days

This table stores the relationship between each single observation bundle and the target, rule, and standard that was monitoring for that observed action.


366 Days

This table stores the state change history for audit status (unaudited, unauthorized, authorized) for each observation.


366 Days

This table stores analytic summaries of counts of observations by hour and other attributes for reporting.


366 Days

This table stores analytic summaries of counts of observations bundles by hour and other attributes for reporting.


366 Days

This table stores past file comparison for OS File based observations.


366 Days

This table stores the mapping between Change Management Request System change requests that were used to authorize an observation.



This table stores requests to publish data from EM server to an integrated Change Management Server using the connector.



This table stores additional details for requests to publish data from EM server to an integrated Change Management Server using the connector.