NFS Client

The NFS Client page provides a list of all the network file system (NFS) clients mounted on the current host. Using this page, you can:

  • Mount, unmount, and delete clients.

  • Access the page that allows you to edit the properties of individual clients.

  • Access the page that allows you to add NFS clients to the host.

  • Refresh updates the network file system (NFS) client page with latest list of network file clients mounted on current host. This is helpful to fetch updates which are done directly on host, instead through Enterprise Manager.

  • View the statistics of the various clients.

    Client Statistic Description


    Hostname of the remote NFS server

    Remote File System

    Location of the remote file system

    Mount Point

    Local mount point


    Indicates whether the remote file system is mounted

    Persist Over Reboot

    Retains mount points between reboots


    Displays mount options

Note the following:

  • Click Done to exit the page without making any changes and returning to the previous page.

  • Click Change to edit the host credentials used for this page.

Adding and Editing an NFS Client

The Add and Edit NFS Client pages provide the ability to mount a file system on a remote NFS server to a location on a local host. Using these pages, you can create and edit an NFS mount by providing:

  • The local mount point

  • The name of the NFS Server host name

  • The location of the remote file system

  • Mount options


  • ro
  • rsize=32768
  • wsize=32768
  • acregmin=1200
  • acregmax=1200
  • acdirmin=1200
  • acdirmax=1200
  • hard
  • intr
  • tcp
  • lock
  • rw
  • nosuid
  • nodev

Note the following:

  • Click Cancel to ignore all changes and return to the NFS Client page.

  • Click OK to accept all changes made. All changes are implemented immediately.

  • Check Persist Over Reboot to ensure mounts are available between reboots.