OS File Monitoring

Before using Real-time file monitoring for Linux, a loadable kernel module must be installed on the host. This loadable kernel module provides you with the most efficient way of monitoring the host. This loadable kernel module is referred to as the File Audit Module, or Audit Module for short.

Acquiring the Kernel Module

The kernel audit module is available from http://oss.oracle.com/projects/fileauditmodule. There are two ways to get the file audit kernel module:

  1. Prebuilt .ko files for which Oracle has already prebuilt, you can use this in your environment. You can look for the Prebuilt kernel modules under the Downloads link. To find the matching prebuilt version, run the uname -r command on the host being monitored and compare that version to the version of the prebuilt modules. The complete version string must match perfectly. For 32-bit machines, the post-fix of the .ko file name will be .ko. For 64-bit machines, the post-fix of the .ko file name will be .k64.ko.
  2. Build your own kernel module. To build your own kernel module, you can download the following RPM from the Downloads link:


    You should always retrieve the latest revision available at the time you are installing this module. The emversion field must match the version of Cloud Control agent and server you are using.

    Install this RPM on the host you want to monitor as root. The installation of this RPM depends on the kernel-devel package matching your running kernel also existing on the host. This kernel-devel package comes with the same media as the Linux installers.

    In addition to installing this package, you must ensure that the version of gcc available on your host matches the version with which the kernel was built. To do this, view the /proc/version file to see what gcc version the kernel was built with and then run the command gcc –v to see what version of gcc is being used. These two versions should match.

    Also check that the file /boot/System.map-{version} exists where {version} must match the kernel version you see when you run the uname -r command. This file contains system symbols that are required to decode the kernel symbols we are monitoring for real-time changes. Without this file, real-time file monitoring will not function. This file is standard on all default Linux installations.

    After installing this package and checking prerequisites successfully, go to the directory where the package contents were installed (defaults to /opt/fileauditmodule) and run the following script:


    This will build the kernel module file (.ko, .k64, or .o extension depending on the OS version) and place it in the /opt/fileauditmodule directory.

    If the audit module file is not created, check the make.log and build.log files for any errors in building the module.

If all of your hosts have the exact same kernel version as shown using the command uname –r, then you only need to compile the module on one machine. You can then copy the .ko, .k64, or .o file to the other servers without having to build on that specific host.

Deploying the Kernel Module

Once you have either the prebuilt .ko file or a .ko file that exists from building it from the source RPM, the .ko file must be located in the proper directory. The default location for this file is in the bin folder under the agent home directory. You can also place the file in any location on the host and change the nmxc.properties file under the AGENT_INST/sysman/config directory of the agent home. The property nmxcf.kernel_module_dir specifies the absolute path to the .ko directory.

Install Kernel Module Job

In addition to manually placing the .KO file on the agent, there is a Cloud Control job named Real-time Monitoring Kernel Module Installation. This job is configured with a list of Linux hosts on which you can install the kernel module. It will search in a directory locally on the Cloud Control server disk for prebuilt .ko files or the source RPM file. If it finds a matching prebuilt .ko file, it will send this to the matching agents; otherwise it will send the RPM to the agent and install and compile it resulting in a new .KO file.

Prior to using this job, files from OSS.ORACLE.COM must be manually retrieved by the user and placed into the %ORACLE_HOME%/gccompliance/fileauditmodule/resources/linux directory. This directory already exists on the server with a README file indicating this is the location to place these files. The files that must be placed here are either prebuilt .KO files or the source RPM file. If you have built your own .KO files in your environment, you can also place those .KO files into this directory on the server and deploy it to other hosts in your environment.

Special Considerations for Enterprise Linux 5 and Greater

For Enterprise Linux 5 and greater, the kernel audit module is not required. The monitoring will use the built-in audit subsystem if a kernel module is not detected at startup time. However, the functionality of the audit subsystem is not as robust as the capability that the kernel audit module can provide.

You will lose the functionality that provides the granularity of what type of change there has been to a file, whether it was a create action or a modify action. Without the kernel module, all changes to a file will appear as a modify action. Additionally, monitoring a directory that does not exist yet or a directory that may exist now and gets removed later may be disrupted since the underlying Linux audit subsystem does not handle these cases.

It is recommended that you use the kernel audit module even with the newer versions of Linux, if possible.