Troubleshooting Linux Patching Issues

My Staging Server Setup DP fails at "Channels Information Collection" step with the error message "Could not fetch the subscribed channels properly". How do I fix this?

This error is seen if there is any network communication error between up2date and ULN. Check if up2date is configured with correct proxy setting by following - 9. You can verify if the issue is resolved or not by using the command, up2date –nox –show-channels. If the command lists all the subscribed channels, the issue is resolved.

My "up2date –nox –show-channels" command does not list the subscribed channels properly. How do I fix this?

Go to /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources files, uncomment up2date default and comment out all the local RPM Repositories configured.

How can I register to channels of other architectures and releases?

Refer to for this and more such related FAQs.

After visiting some other page, I come back to "Setup Groups" page; I do not see the links to the jobs submitted. How can I get it back?

Click Show in the details column.

Package Information Job fails with "ERROR: No Package repository was found" or "Unknown Host" error. How do I fix it?

Package Repository you have selected is not good. Check if metadata files are created by running yum-arch and createrepo commands. The connectivity of the RPM Repository from OMS might be a cause as well.

Even after the deployment procedure finished its execution successfully, the Compliance report still shows my Group as non-compliant, why?

Compliance Collection is a job that runs once in every 24 hour. You should wait for the next cycle of the job for the Compliance report to update itself. Alternately, you can go to the Jobs tab and edit the job to change its schedule.

Package Information Job fails with "ERROR: No Package repository was found" or "Unknown Host" error. How do I fix it?

The package repository you have selected is not good. Check if the metadata files are created by running yum-arch and createrepo commands. The connectivity of the RPM Repository from OMS might be a cause as well.

I see a UI error message saying "Package list is too long". How do I fix it?

Deselect some of the selected packages. The UI error message tells you from which package to unselect.