Using Remote File Editor

The Remote File Editor enables you to view and edit text files on the remote host. For example, using this utility, you can update the contents of configuration files on the remote host. In addition, you can:

  • With the appropriate privileges, view and edit any text file present on the remote host.

  • Save a file that has been edited on the remote host by clicking Save.

  • Save the contents to a different file on the remote host by clicking Save a Copy.

  • Change to another user account or use another set of Host Preferred Credentials by clicking Change next to User.

  • After you have opened a file for editing, select a new file for editing by clicking Change next to File Name.

  • Revert to text at the time of the last successful save operation by clicking Revert.

Accessing Remote File Editor

To navigate to the Remote File Editor, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Hosts. On the Hosts page, click the name of the host in which you are interested.
  2. On the resulting Host home page, select Remote File Editor from the Host menu (located at the top-left of the page).
  3. If the preferred credentials are not set for the host target, the Host Credentials page appears. Three options are available: Preferred, Named, and New.

    You must have permissions to perform operations on a target host.

  4. Once credentials are set, you can perform the following on the Remote File Editor page:
    • Perform operations on files, for example, listing of files in a directory, opening a file for reading, editing, and saving.

    • Provide host target credentials.

    • Provide details of the file and type of operation to be done.

Note the following:

  • The file must be an ASCII text file and cannot be larger than 100 KB.

  • In the case where the credential check is successful, the file exists and you have read privilege on the file, the file content is loaded for editing.

  • If you do not have write privilege, you will not be able to save the file. Click Save a Copy and save the file to a directory on which you have write privilege.

  • In the case the file does not exist but you have write privilege on the directory, a new empty file is opened for text input.