The Challenge of Patching Your Data Center

In any enterprise, a data center plays a critical role in keeping the IT functions alive and the business going. The data center may vary in size from one enterprise to another, but the fact that the data center is critical to the success of the business is clearly unquestionable.

The administrators in a data center carry out several data maintenance, data backup, and lifecycle management operations every day, and the challenges they face in carrying out these system management activities are sometimes immeasurable. These paint points become even more profound when the data centers span multiple geographical locations across multiple time zones.

One of the lifecycle management challenges that administrators regularly face is patching their entire ecosystem and keeping their data center secure and up to date. The requirement becomes even more complex when there are several types of patches, when it is difficult to identify the ones relevant to your data center, and when the entire patching operation is manual, error prone, and time consuming.