Importing Specific PAR File

To import or deploy a specific PAR file, run the following command:

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl partool deploy -parFile $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/prov/paf/<par_file_name>

For example:

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl partool deploy -parFile $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/prov/paf/asprov.par


  • If Software Library or the procedure already exists in Enterprise Manager and you want to create a new revision of the PAR file, then you can use the -force attribute as follows:

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl partool deploy -parFile $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/prov/paf/asprov.par -force

  • If you have multiple OMSes in your environment, then you need to run the emctl partool utility only once to deploy any PAR files or to perform other related operations.

    While importing PAR files if the user procedure already exists in the setup, then it will always import this procedure with revised (bumped up) version.