Raising Service Requests When You Are Unable to Resolve Analysis Failure Issues

As described in the preceding subsections, there can be several causes for analysis failures, including My Oracle Support connectivity issues, ARU issues, or issues while accessing the Management Repository to extract any details related to the patch plan or targets or the operation being committed. If you encounter any of these issues, follow the solution proposed in the preceding sections, and if you are still unable to resolve the issue, follow these steps, and raise a service request or a bug with the information you collect from the steps.

  • (Online Mode Only) Verify if the My Oracle Support Web site being used is currently available.

  • (Online Mode Only) If the plan analysis is failing prior to target analysis being submitted, then verify if the patch analysis is working as expected by running the following URL Replace <em_url> with the correct EM URL, and <plan_name> with the actual patch plan name.


    Verify if the returned XML includes conflict check request and response XMLs for each Oracle home included in the patch plan.

  • Open the following file and check the exact error or exception being logged and communicate it to Oracle Support.
