Step 1: Adding a Destination Storage Location for Migrating Files

Any file associated with an entity in Software Library can exist in only one storage location. Removal of an Upload File storage location is always preceded by migration of files to another existing Upload File storage location. As part of this step, a destination storage location of OMS Shared File System storage type is created with sufficient disk space for keeping a copy of all the files in the source storage location, 'firstLoc'.

Add Destination OMS Shared File System Storage Location

emcli add_swlib_storage_location




Sample Output:

Location configuration initiated, this may take some time to complete...

Location 'secondLoc' created.

List OMS Shared File System Storage Location

To verify the creation of the new storage location use the following command.

emcli list_swlib_storage_locations


Sample Output:

secondLoc, /u01/swlib/, Active