View My Tasks

The My Tasks page provides you a way to manage the tasks assigned to you. My Tasks provides an overview of your tasks and allows you to search, view, and update your tasks.

To access the page:

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Configuration, then select My Tasks.
  2. Highlight the task on which you want to perform any of the following operations:
    • Change the owner of the task.

    • Cancel the task.

    • Set scheduled start and end dates for the task.

Note: You can select one or more tasks in the table and access bulk operations, such as Acknowledge and Change Owner.

By default the tasks are filtered to show only open tasks.

The following sections are provided on the My Task page:

  • Status of Tasks - A pie chart summary of the user's task, by status.

  • Advanced search options.

  • Views - Provides quick links to allow you to quickly find tasks that require attention. The supported views are: Overdue Tasks, Due Within One Week Tasks, Unacknowledged Tasks, and All Active.

    All Active shows all open tasks. The Show All link shows all tasks, including completed, and canceled tasks.

  • Tasks - Displays a table of tasks and allows you to search, view, and update the tasks. The Actions menu and table buttons provide bulk task update support for operations like setting dates, changing task owners, acknowledging and canceling tasks.

    Selecting a Single Task

    Selecting a single task allows you to view and edit the details of the task, and lets you add comments to the task, as well as review the comments and audit trail for the task.

    When you select a single task, the data associated with the task is displayed in the following tabs:

    • General: Provides task details and tracking information

    • Task Details: Provides basic task information like the plan, target and task action. In this section you can update the task's scheduled start date and scheduled end date.

      From the task details section, you can submit the job, create a patch plan, associate the task with a patch plan, associate a job with a job execution, and associate a job with a deployment procedure run.

    Selecting Multiple Tasks

    If you multi-select tasks in the task table, you can use the table buttons (and Actions menu) to perform actions across tasks. For example: Acknowledge, Change Owner, Cancel, Set Scheduled Start Date, Set Scheduled End Date for multiple tasks at one time. In addition, you can Submit Job, Associate with Existing Job Execution, Create Patch Plan, Associate with Existing Patch Plan, and Associate with Existing Deployment Procedure Execution.

    • The bulk Change Owner feature supports the following ways of setting the owner:

      • Assign Tasks to User (Select using the Enterprise Manager user selector.)

      • Assign Tasks to Target Owners: (Only applies to tasks that have targets. The Target Owner must be set for that target for the assignment to take place.) Note: This label can change to Assign Tasks by Target Property, if you add any Change Activity Planner target properties to your environment. For additional information, see the 'Overview of Change Activity Planner' chapter in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Lifecycle Management Administrator's Guide.

      • Set Tasks to Unassigned (Removes the owner from the task.)

    • For job-based tasks, you can select multiple tasks and submit one job to complete the tasks, provided the tasks have the same task definition.

      If the task definitions for the selected tasks do not all refer to the same job, the Submit Job option will be disabled.

    • For deployment procedure-based tasks, all the tasks must have the same task definition. If the task definitions for the selected tasks do not all refer to the same deployment procedure, the Associate with Existing Deployment Procedure Execution option will be disabled.

    • For patch template based tasks, the plan creator associates the task definition with a patch template. The task owner can either associate the task with an existing patch plan, or create a new patch plan. The patch template must be the same for all selected tasks.

  • Tracking: Allows you to see and edit the current owner and the task status. If this task depends on another task, the dependency will be displayed and, in the case where the task is waiting on this dependency, the waiting icon will be visible. If this task requires attention, details of the issues will be provided in this section.

  • Comments and Audit Trail: Displays all comments and the audit trail annotations.


For tasks involving jobs and deployments procedures, if you do not see your assigned task in the Tasks region, ensure you have necessary permissions to see the job and deployment procedure. If you do not have the appropriate access, contact the person who created the job or deployment procedure.