Mirroring Monitoring

This metric category provides information about a database mirroring session. You must launch the Microsoft Database Mirroring Monitor tool before this metric category can collect data. Because of this requirement, this metric category is disabled by default.

Table 1-52 Mirroring Monitoring Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name

Name of the database.

Mirroring Role

Current role that the database plays in the database mirroring session.

Mirroring State

State of the mirror database and the database mirroring session.

Witness Status

Status of the witness in the database mirroring session.

Log Generation Rate (KB)

Rate of log generation in KB/s.

Unsent Log (KB)

Amount of unsent logs in KB.

Send Rate (KB/s)

Send rate in (KB/s)

Unrestored Log (KB)

Amount of unrestored logs in KB.

Recovery Rate (KB/s)

Recovery rate in KB/s

Transaction Delay (ms)

Length of a transaction delay in milliseconds

Transactions per second

Amount of transaction per second.

Average Transaction Delay

Average transaction delay.

Mirroring Role Description

Description of the mirroring role.

Mirroring State Description

Description of the mirroring state.

Witness Status Description

Description of the witness status.