Creating an Administrator

  1. From the Setup menu, select Security and then Administrators.
  2. Click Create.
  3. From the Create Administrator: Properties page, enter all necessary information, including the password profile as enforced by your security team. In the graphic shown below,"Expire password now", has been selected so that when this user logs in with the temporary password, they will be forced to reset their password.

    Once you have entered the requisite information, click Next.

    create administrator properties

  4. From the Create Administrator: Roles Page, choose the default roles and click Next.
  5. From the Create Administrator: Target Privilege page, Select the Connect to any viewable target privilege. This enables the administrator to connect to all targets viewable in his console.

    Image displays the Create Administrator Target Privilege page.

    Click Next.

  6. From the Resource page, click Next. This accepts the default settings.
  7. Review your settings on the Review page. Click Finish.

Valid users must reside on the target instances.