Users with this role can access the Self Service Portal and all service families and types available.

Table A-37 Resource Privileges

Resource Type Description Privilege Grants Applicable to all Resources
Cloud Self Service Portal for JVM Diagnostics Defines the access privileges and roles related to the Cloud Self Service Portal for JVM Diagnostics. Cloud Self Service Portal for JVM Diagnostics
Cloud Self Service Portal for Oracle Public Cloud Machine Defines the access privileges and roles related to the Oracle Public Cloud Machine Self Service Portal. Access the Oracle Public Cloud Machine Self Service Portal
Cloud Self Service Portal for Test Defines the access privileges and roles related to the Cloud Self Service Portal for Test. Access the Cloud Self Service Portal for Test
Cloud Service Actions Defines access privileges for Cloud Service Actions. View Any Cloud Service Action
Cloud Service Families Defines access privileges for Cloud Service Families. View Any Service Family
Cloud Service Templates Defines access privileges for Cloud Service Templates. -
Cloud Service Types Defines access privileges for Cloud Service Types. View Any Service Type
Infrastructure Self Service Portal Defines the access privileges and roles for Infrastructure Self Service Portal. Access Infrastructure Self Service Portal
Job System Job is a unit of work that may be scheduled that an administrator defines to automate the commonly run tasks -
Requests Defines access privileges for Cloud Requests. Create Any Request
Software Library Entity Defines the access privileges required for managing the lifecycle of Software Library entities View any Oracle Load Testing Scenario Entity, View any User Defined Test Entity
TaaS Test Defines access privileges for TaaS Tests. Create any TaaS Test