Delete the Cloud Target and Its Member Targets

The following steps help you to remove the target from the Enterprise Manager repository. These steps do not have any effect on the underlying Exadata Cloud Service and do not physically delete the target itself.
  1. Run the following command using emcli by specifying the cloud target name to remove it from the management repository:
    emcli delete_target -name="<target_name>" -type="oracle_exadata_cloud_service"

    Optionally, to delete the member targets of the cloud target from the management repository, include the option -delete_members in the command as following:

    emcli delete_target -name="<target_name>" -type="oracle_exadata_cloud_service" -delete_members

    When you include the option -delete_members, the following member targets are removed, if they are part of Exadata Cloud Service target:

    • Cluster
    • Cluster Database
    • Database Instance
    • Oracle High Availability Service
    • Pluggable database
    • Cluster ASM
    • Automatic Storage Management
    • Oracle Exadata Storage Server Grid
    • Oracle Exadata Storage Server
  2. You can verify the deletion of the cloud target by visiting the Exadata targets page. Go to Enterprise Manager Home > click Targets icon Targets icon > click Exadata. The Exadata targets page is displayed which lists all the Exadata Cloud targets and Exadata Database Machines available in the management repository.