A Generic Database Instance Setup

This appendix describes how you can manually set up an Oracle database instance for use by the RUEI Reporter. RUEI supports Oracle database version 11gR2 and 12c Release 1.


While RUEI is supported on Oracle Database releases 11gR2 and later, the best performance for RUEI is achieved with Oracle Database 12c Release 1.

You can download Oracle Database (12c Release 1 or 11g Release 2) Standard Edition, Standard Edition One, or Enterprise Edition from the Oracle database home page at the following location:


The approach taken in this appendix is to describe the requirements for a generic database instance, rather than a detailed procedural description. Therefore, a sound working knowledge of Oracle database administration is required.

Platform Support

While a wide range of platforms are supported for deployment of a remote database, high performance platforms designed for large queries by comparatively few users offer the best deployment solutions.

Overview of Database Setup

Upon completion, the following parameters and settings should be specified for the new Oracle database instance:

  • RUEI_DB_INST: The name of the new database instance (as specified in the /etc/ruei.conf file). For more information, see Check The RUEI Configuration File.

  • The instance should be based on the Data_Warehouse.dbc template.

  • The character set of the instance should be set to AL32UTF8.

  • The recyclebin and audit_trail features should be disabled for performance reasons.

  • Monitor the redolog file size, and adjust the size if necessary.

Each of these requirements is discussed in more detail in the following sections. You are required to have sysdba authorization.

Location of SQL Scripts

The SQL scripts referred to as alternatives to the procedures described in the rest of this appendix can found in the /root/ruei/sql_scripts/ directory after extraction of the RUEI distribution zip.

Creating the Database Instance

The following discussion assumes that the Oracle database instance is created on the command line. However, you are free to use any suitable utility to specify the required parameters.

Using the ruei_database.dbt template (32K blocksize) which can be found in the /root/ruei/db_templates/ directory, they should be consistent with the following:

dbca -silent -createDatabase -gdbName RUEI_DB_INST -sid RUEI_DB_INST \
-characterSet AL32UTF8 -templateName ruei_database.dbt -databaseType DATA_WAREHOUSING \
-redoLogFileSize 500 -initParams recyclebin=off -initParams audit_trail=none

Alternatively, on Linux platforms, the ruei-prepare-db.sh script can also be run (as the Oracle user) to create the Oracle database instance as follows:

./ruei-prepare-db.sh create_database

In addition to the TSDEFAULT tablespace, two additional tablespaces must be created for the RUEI Reporter system.

Creating Tablespaces

Before continuing make sure you have chosen names for the default tablespace (named TSDEFAULT below for reference), the configuration tablespace (default is UXCONF) and the statistics tablespace (default is UXSTAT). The latter two names should also be set in the /etc/ruei.conf file using the RUEI_DB_TSCONF and RUEI_DB_TSSTAT variables respectively. Note that the same tablespace names must be used for all components in your RUEI environment, such as the remote database and Processors.

For performance reasons, it is strongly recommended that you use compressed tablespaces. The following command can be used to create the TSDEFAULT tablespace. The default datafiles location is used, and you may want to specify a different location for the datafiles:

create tablespace TSDEFAULT datafile 'uxdefault01.dbf' size 5M reuse autoextend on default compress;

The following command line instruction can be used to enable compression on the TSDEFAULT tablespace:

alter tablespace TSDEFAULT default compress;

Select Configuration> General>Advanced settings, and then Reporter data retention policy to create the table space. The size of the required database instance is 500 GB (or larger). The required disk space depends on the specified Reporter data retention policy.

For most RUEI deployments, you will require more than a single datafile in the TSDEFAULT tablespace.The default datafiles location is used, and you may want to specify a different location for the datafiles. Run the following command to add additional datafiles:

alter tablespace TSDEFAULT add datafile 'user02.dbf' size 5M autoextend on;

In addition to the TSDEFAULT tablespace, two additional tablespaces must be created for the Reporter system:

  • RUEI_DB_TSCONF: contains RUEI configuration information. Typically, less than 1 GB in size.

  • RUEI_DB_TSSTAT: contains RUEI statistics information used for internal purposes. Typically, only a few GB in size.

The names of these two tablespaces are fixed and not configurable. The required tablespaces can be created running the following commands:

create tablespace RUEI_DB_TSCONF datafile 'uxconf01.dbf' size 5M reuse autoextend on default compress;
create tablespace RUEI_DB_TSSTAT datafile 'uxstat01.dbf' size 5M reuse autoextend on default compress;

Alternatively, instead of using the commands described in this section, the table set up can be performed by running the prepdb_tablespaces.sql SQL script. The script requires three input variables to be set, one for each configurable table space name.

Rescheduling Oracle Database Maintenance

By default, Oracle database maintenance tasks are schedule to run at 22:00. These can have a significant impact on the overall database performance. Therefore, depending on traffic levels within the monitored environment, you may need to reschedule these maintenance tasks to a period with low traffic/load levels (for example, 03:00). For information on how to reschedule planned maintenance tasks, see the Oracle Database Administrator's Guide.

The documented procedure can also be performed by running the prepdb_maintenance_schedule.sql SQL script.

Installing SQL Packages

RUEI requires additional packages to be installed. These can be installed by running the following command:

./ruei-prepare-db.sh sql_packages

Alternatively, you can install the packages manually with the ux_dbms_lock.sql and ux_dbms_session.sql scripts in the sql_scripts directory.

Creating the RUEI Database User

This section explains the creation of the RUEI database user, and the permissions it must be assigned.The RUEI database user is specified in the RUEI_DB_USER setting (in the /etc/ruei.conf file). It receives the minimum required permissions. However, note that the dbms_crypto permission is required for encryption of the SSL private keys that a Collector is using. In addition, because RUEI typically operates in an unattended 7x24 environment, the PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME permission should be set to unlimited. The following examples show how the RUEI database user can be created with the minimum required permissions.

create user RUEI_DB_USER
         identified by PASSWORD
         default tablespace TSDEFAULT
         temporary tablespace TEMP
         profile DEFAULT
         quota 500G on TSDEFAULT;

alter user RUEI_DB_USER
         quota unlimited on RUEI_DB_TSCONF
         quota unlimited on RUEI_DB_TSSTAT;

alter profile DEFAULT
         limit PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME unlimited;

grant    create session,
         create sequence,
         create table,
         create trigger,
         create view,
         create synonym,
         create database link,
         create procedure,
         create materialized view,
         create type
         to RUEI_DB_USER;

grant execute on dbms_crypto to RUEI_DB_USER;
grant execute on ux_dbms_lock to RUEI_DB_USER;
grant execute on ux_dbms_session to RUEI_DB_USER;

Alternatively, instead of using the commands described in this section, the RUEI database user configuration can be performed by running the prepdb_user.sql SQL script. The script requires three input variables to be set, one for each configurable table space name.

Creating Database Triggers

RUEI requires additional database triggers to be created. Create these triggers using the following command:

./ruei-prepare-db.sh create_triggers

Alternatively, you can create the triggers manually running the prepdb_triggers.sql scripts located in the sql_scripts directory.

Setting up the Connection Data

After the Oracle database instance has been defined, the connection data needs to be set up. This requires two files, sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora, in the RUEI home directory (RUEI_DATA).

The following is an example of the contents of the sqlnet.ora file:


Ensure that the DIRECTORY setting points to the directory for RUEI data files (RUEI_DATA) specified in the /etc/ruei.conf file.

The following is an example of the contents of the tnsnames.ora file:


In the example above, uxinsight is the database alias (RUEI_DB_TNSNAME) specified in the /etc/ruei.conf file. Ensure that the HOST setting specifies your database. If you specify a host name, ensure that it is also specified in the /etc/hosts setup. However, you can also specify an IP address.

Setting up the Oracle Wallet

The processing part of RUEI requires non-interactive access to the Oracle database. In order to achieve this, the Oracle autologin wallet is used to store passwords securely.

Run the following command to create the Oracle wallet on the database system:

mkstore -wrl /tmp -create

You are prompted for the wallet password.

After the (empty) wallet has been created, you must add the credentials of RUEI_DB_TNSNAME and RUEI_DB_USER to the Oracle wallet running the following command:

mkstore -wrl /tmp -createCredential RUEI_DB_TNSNAME RUEI_DB_USER

Two wallet files, ewallet.p12 and cwallet.sso, must be moved to the RUEI_DATA directory on the Reporter system. Both files should have the ownership of RUEI_USER and RUEI_GROUP.ewallet.p12 only needs to be readable by RUEI_USER, while cwallet.sso needs to be readable by both RUEI_USER and RUEI_GROUP. On Linux, this can be accomplished by running the following commands:

chown RUEI_USER:RUEI_GROUP *wallet*
chmod 600 ewallet.p12
chmod 640 cwallet.sso

If the Oracle database instance has been set up correctly, it should now be possible to enter the database without being prompted for the password. The RUEI_USER on the Reporter system can access the database instance as follows:

sqlplus /@$RUEI_DB_TNSNAME

If this last step fails, you should carefully review the information in this appendix before proceeding with your RUEI deployment.