C Setting up a Connection to the Enterprise Manager Repository

This appendix describes how you can set up a connection to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Repository. This is necessary when you want KPIs defined for the applications, suites, and services that comprise your business applications to be reported as events in Incident Manager. The use of Incident Manager is described in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide. The use of the business application facility is described in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Guide.

Introduction to Enterprise Manager

Oracle Enterprise Manager supports the monitoring of business applications. These represent logical services or applications, and unify the dedicated performance monitoring, diagnostics, and reporting capabilities available through RUEI with that available through Oracle Enterprise Manager. The alerts generated by KPIs defined for the applications, suites, and services that comprise your business applications are reported as events in Incident Manager. For more information about the advantages of using Enterprise Manager to monitor KPIs, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Guide.

After completing the procedure described here, register the RUEI system in Enterprise Manager using the procedure described in Monitoring Business Applications in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Guide.

If you change any setting described in this Appendix, you must restart the system using the RUEI System Reset Wizard:

  1. Select System>Maintenance, and then System reset.

  2. Select Reapply latest configuration option and click Next to apply the changes you have made.

Creating a RUEI User for Communication with Enterprise Manager

In order for RUEI to communicate with Enterprise Manager, you must create a RUEI user with the Enterprise Manager access permission. For more information, see Managing Users and Permissions in the Oracle Real User Experience Insight User's Guide.

  1. Log in to RUEI as an administrator user.

  2. Select System> User management, and click the Add new user command button in the taskbar.

  3. Complete the wizard, ensuring that you create a system user, with the Enterprise Manager access permission.


    You are not prompted to enter this user's credentials when registering RUEI with Enterprise Manager.

Creating a non-sysman Enterprise Manager Repository User

During the process of registering RUEI with Enterprise Manager 12c, you must provide the credentials of an Enterprise Manager repository user. If you do not want to use the sysman user credentials, you can create a non-sysman user as follows:


With Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c, a database user is automatically created (EUS_ENGINE_USER). When this user is first used, you are prompted to set a password for this user, and this password is stored in the RUEI wallet. By default this password will expire after 180 days. See the Configuring Authentication chapter of the Database Security Guide for information on configuring this user.

  1. Log in to the RUEI server as the ruei user.

  2. Unpacking the RUEI Software describes how to unpack the RUEI software. Copy the resulting /root/ruei/sql_scripts directory from the RUEI server to the Enterprise Manager repository server.

  3. Run SQL*Plus as the sysman user in the sql_scripts directory on the Enterprise Manager repository server and create the user using the following script:

    SQL> @create_em_user_for_event.sql


    After completing the procedure described here, set up RUEI using the username and password you entered in step 3. For more information, see Monitoring Business Applications chapter of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Guide.

Setting Up a Connection to Oracle Enterprise Manager

In order to connect with Enterprise Manager, a specific version of the mkstore utility is needed. The required procedure consists setting up RUEI to use the mkstore utility and restarting RUEI.

You can set up this utility as follows.

  1. Run the following commands to install the mkstore utility to /usr/local/mkstore-

    cd /usr/local
    tar xzf /root/RUEI/mkstore/mkstore-
  2. To make the install directory version independent, create a more generic symlink using the following command:

    ln -s /usr/local/mkstore- /usr/local/mkstore
  3. Make the following change to /etc/ruei.conf:

    * export MKSTORE_BIN=/usr/local/mkstore/mkstore
  4. If you are executing these steps on a database server separate from the reporter system, make the following change to /etc/ruei.conf:

    * export JAVA_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre

Clearing a Connection to Oracle Enterprise Manager

If you remove a RUEI registration from Oracle Enterprise Manager, you may see a message indicating there are some data in RUEI side that must be removed manually. If you see this message, complete the following procedure:


The wallet password is required to complete this procedure.

  1. Change directory to the location of the mkstore utility. This utility is included with the Oracle Database and Oracle Client runtime. In both cases, it is located in $ORACLE_HOME/bin.

  2. Determine the credential you want to delete by listing the current credentials running the following command:

    ./mkstore -wrl ewallet.p12 -listCredential
  3. Delete the wallet credential running the following command:

    ./mkstore -wrl ewallet.p12 -deleteCredential 'CREDENTIAL_NAME'

    Where, CREDENTIAL_NAME is the name of the credential you want to delete.

  4. Clear the database entries running the following SQL command:

    delete from C_EM_SYSTEM where HOST_NAME='Host_Name';

    Where, Host_Name is the hostname of the RUEI instance.