13 Creating Dashboards Using Grafana

Grafana is an open source technology used for metric analytics & visualization. The Oracle Enterprise Manager App for Grafana allows you to integrate Enterprise Manager metric data (collected from multiple managed targets and stored in the Enterprise Manager repository) with any other data sources you have access to.

By adding the Oracle Enterprise Manager App for Grafana, you can extract OMS repository metric data and display it graphically for fast, intuitive access to performance and metric information. You can create custom Enterprise Manager-based Grafana dashboards by simply browsing and selecting the Enterprise Manager metrics of interest, or running simple SQL queries against the Enterprise Manager repository tables, without a deep knowledge of the Enterprise Manager data model. Data from multiple Enterprise Manager sites, along with data from other data sources, can be easily displayed on a single dashboard.

For more information about enabling the Oracle Enterprise Manager App for Grafana, see Enable the Oracle Enterprise Manager App for Grafana.