Creating a Service

Before you create a service, you must be familiar with the concepts of service management. You must also perform the following tasks:

  • Identify the locations where the Management Agents must be available to monitor the services using the appropriate service tests and protocols. For example, if your service includes HTTP based service tests or IMAP based service tests, ensure that the location of the Management Agent within your network architecture allows these tests. You must ensure that the Management Agents are installed at appropriate locations according to the network security (firewalls) and network routing guidelines.

    Note that the beacon targets must already be created on the Management Agents before creating the service.

  • Discover all the components for your service so that they can be listed as Enterprise Manager targets.

  • Define systems on which the service is based.

You can create:

  • Generic Service - Test Based: You can create a service that is based on a type of service test such as CalDAV, DNS, FTP, and so on.

  • Generic Service - System Based: You can create a service that is based on a system or one or more system components.

  • Aggregate Service: An aggregate service consists of one or more sub services which can either test based or system based generic services.

Creating a Generic Service - Test Based

To create a test based generic service, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Services. The Services main page is displayed.
  2. From the Create menu, select Generic Service - Test Based. The Create Generic Service: General page appears.
  3. Enter a name for the service and select a time zone in which the service has to be monitored. The availability of the service and the SLA computation is based on the time zone you select here. Click Next.
  4. The Create Generic Service: Service Test page appears. Select a test from the Test Type drop down list.
  5. Depending on the test type you selected, enter the other parameters on this page and click Next. The Create Generic Service: Beacons page appears.
  6. Click Add to add one or more beacons for monitoring the service. It is recommended that you use beacons that are strategically located in your key user communities in order for them to pro-actively test the availability of the service from those locations. If no beacons exist, you must create a new beacon. See Deploying and Using Beacons for details.


    • Only a single beacon should be added from a Management Agent to monitor service tests. Adding multiple beacons from the same Management Agent to a service test is not recommended.

      Beacons are targets that are used to monitor service tests, primarily to measure performance of the service or business function from a different geographic location. Thus, adding multiple beacons from the same Management Agent does not add any value.

    • Beacons marked as key beacons will be used to determine the availability of the service. The service is available if one or more service tests can be successfully executed from at least one key beacon.

    • It is recommended that you create the beacons before you create the service.

  7. Click Next. The Create Generic Service: Review page appears. Review the information entered so far and click Finish to create the service. The newly created service appears on the main Services page.

Creating a Generic Service - System Based

To create a system based generic service, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Services. The Services main page is displayed.
  2. From the Create menu, select Generic Service - System Based. The Create Generic Service: General page appears.
  3. Enter a name for the service and select a time zone for the service. Click Next. The Create Generic Service: System page appears. Select a system on which the service is to be based. A system refers to the infrastructure used to host the service. A system can consist of components such as hosts, databases, and other targets.
  4. Click Next. The Create Generic Service: Review page appears. Review the information entered so far and click Submit to create the service. The newly created service appears on the main Services page.

Creating an Aggregate Service

Aggregate services consist of one or more services, called sub services or member services. A subservice is any service created in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. The availability, performance, and usage for the aggregate service depend on the availability, performance, and usage for the individual sub services comprising the service. When creating an aggregate service, at the very least, either a system or one or more sub services must be associated. You can include both sub services and a system if required.

To create an aggregate service, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Services. The Services main page is displayed.
  2. From the Create menu, select Aggregate Service. The Create Aggregate Service: General page appears.
  3. Enter a name for the aggregate service and select a time zone in which the service is to be monitored. The monitored data will be displayed in the selected time zone. Click Next.
  4. The Create Aggregate Service: Services page appears. Click Add and select one or more member services (sub services) that are to be part of the aggregate service. You can add one or more test based, system based generic services, and one or more aggregate services. Click Next.
  5. The Create Aggregate Service: System page appears. Select a system target on which the service is to be based. Associating a system with a service is not mandatory but is recommended. Features like Root Cause Analysis depend on key system components being correctly defined.

After you have created an aggregate service, you can add or remove its constituent sub services, modify the availability definition and add or delete performance or usage metrics.


If you delete or remove a subservice from an aggregate service, the aggregate service performance, usage, and business metrics may be affected if they are based on a deleted subservice's metrics.