Services That Are Started with Oracle Management Service Startup

When you start the Management Service, the following services are started:

  1. Apache processes to start the HTTP server.

  2. Node Manager Java process. This is the watchdog for the Managed Server and Admin Server processes. It restarts the Managed Server and Admin Server processes if they crash.

  3. Admin Server Java process (if the command to start OMS is executed on the first OMS machine). This is the WebLogic Server instance that maintains configuration data for configured Enterprise Manager domain.

  4. Managed Server Java process. This is the Managed WebLogic Server on which Enterprise Manager application is deployed.

  5. (On Windows only) Node Manager service process. This is the Windows service for starting and stopping the Node Manager (equivalent to the Node Manager process on Linux).

  6. (On Windows only) OMS service process. This is the Windows service for starting and stopping the OMS.