Deploying JVMD Agents on Oracle Cloud Virtual Hosts

To deploy JVMD Agents on Oracle Cloud virtual hosts, follow these steps:

  1. From the Setup menu, select Middleware Management, then select Application Performance Management.
  2. On the Application Performance Management page, under the Application Performance Management Agents section, click Manage Diagnostics Agents.
  3. For Operation, ensure that Deploy is selected.

    If you select Expand All from the View menu, you can view the target name, target type, target host, target status, platform, and so on of all the discovered WebLogic Administration Servers and Managed Servers (part of all discovered WebLogic domains).

    Select the WebLogic Managed Servers on which you want to deploy JVMD Agents. Click Next.

  4. On the Target Credentials page, for each WebLogic domain, specify a value for Oracle WebLogic Administration Server Host Credentials and Oracle WebLogic Domain Credentials, then click Apply.

    Click Next.

  5. To deploy JVMD Agents on Oracle Cloud virtual hosts, select Configure Hybrid Mode, and specify the Hybrid Cloud Gateway Proxy host and port that you want to use. When you select Configure Hybrid Mode, the value for Available JVMD Engine is automatically set to Other, as the JVMD Agent connects to the Hybrid Cloud Gateway Proxy, which in turn connects to the JVMD Engine (via the Hybrid Cloud Gateway Agent).

    By default, all JVMD Agents deployed on Oracle Cloud virtual hosts will effectively report to the JVMD Engine marked as the default end point.

    To view the default JVMD end point for all the Hybrid Cloud Gateway Agents deployed in your enterprise, on the Application Performance Management page, select JVM Diagnostics Engines, then click Configure. Select the Hybrid Gateways Configuration tab. The default JVMD end point is displayed. For information on how to change the default JVMD end point for the Hybrid Cloud Gateway Agents deployed in your enterprise, see Changing the Default JVMD End Point for Hybrid Cloud Gateway Agents.

    Click Next.

  6. On the Review page, review all the information, then click Deploy.

    Once the JVMD Agent deployment is successful, you can verify the deployment by navigating to the Application Performance Management page, and viewing the Application Performance Management Agents section.