16 Apache Tomcat Metrics

Oracle Enterprise Manager can be used to manage Apache Tomcat. You can use the All Metrics page for an Apache Tomcat target to view the metrics that are being monitored for that target by Oracle Management Agent.

The Apache Tomcat metrics provide for each metric the following information:

  • Description

  • Metric summary— The metric summary can include some or all of the following: target version, evaluation frequency, collection frequency, upload frequency, operator, default warning threshold, default critical threshold, consecutive number of occurrences preceding notification, and alert text.

  • Multiple Thresholds (where applicable).

To download and monitor the Apache Tomcat plug-in, see Enterprise Manager System Monitoring Plug-in Installation Guide for Apache Tomcat.

All Applications

This metric category contains aggregated performance metrics spanning all the applications deloyed to the Apache Tomcat container.

All Applications - Rejected Sessions

This metric shows the number of sessions rejected by all the applications running on the Apache Tomcat container since last collection.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

All Applications - Sessions Created

This metric shows the number of sessions created by all the applications running on the Apache Tomcat container since the last collection.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

All Applications - Total Active Sessions

This metric shows the number of active sessions of all the applications running on the Apache Tomcat container.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

All Applications JSP Monitor Metrics

This metric category contains aggregated performance metrics spanning all the JavaServer Pages (JSPs) deployed to the Apache Tomcat container.

All Applications - JSP Access

This metric shows the number of times JSPs were accessed on all the applications since last collection.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

All Applications - JSP Reload

This metric shows the number of times JSPs were reloaded on all the applications since last collection.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

All Global Request Processors Metrics

This metric category contains aggregated performance metrics spanning all the Global Request Processors deployed to the Apache Tomcat container.

All Global Request Processors - Total Bytes Received

This metric shows the bytes received by all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat container since last collection.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

All Global Request Processors - Total Errors

This metric shows the error count on all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat container since last collection.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

All Global Request Processors - Total Requests

This metric shows the request count on all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat container since last collection.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

All Global Request Processors -Total Bytes Sent

This metric shows the bytes sent by all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat container since last collection.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

Application Cache Metrics

This metric category contains the usage details of the application cache of the Apache Tomcat container.

Cache Access Count

This metric shows the number of times the cache was accessed since last collection.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

Cache Hit Count

This metric shows the number of times the cache was hit since last collection.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

Applications Metrics

This metric category contains the metrics for each application deployed to the container.

Application Name

This metric shows the deployed application names.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

 Active Sessions

This metric shows the number of Active Sessions.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Processing Time (sec)

This metric shows the average time taken (in seconds) for processing a request.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Rejected Sessions (per min)

This metric shows the number of sessions rejected by all applications per minute.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Sessions Created (per min)

This metric shows the number of sessions created by all applications per minute .

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Requests Processed (per min)

This metric shows the number of requests processed per minute.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

DataSource Metrics

This metric category contains the attributes of all the data sources configured for the Apache Tomcat container.

Active Datasource Connections

This metric shows the number of active connections to the data source.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

Idle Datasource Connections

This metric shows the number of idle connections to the data source.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

Global Request Processor Metrics

This metric category contains the attributes of each Global Request Processor configured on the Apache Tomcat container.

Average Request Processing Time (sec)

This metric shows the average time taken (in seconds) for processing a request by the global request processor.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Bytes received (per min)

This metric shows the number of bytes received by each request processor per minute.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Bytes Sent (per min)

This metric shows the number of bytes sent by each request processor per minute.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Errors (per min)

This metric shows the error count of each request processor per minute.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

 Requests (per min)

This metric shows the number of requests served by each request processor per minute.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

JSP Monitor Metrics

This metric category contains the usage details of JSPs.

JSP Access (per min)

This metric shows the number of times JSPs were accessed since during the last collection.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

JSP Reload (per min)

This metric shows the number of times JSPs were reloaded since the last collection.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes


This metric category provides information about Java Virtual Machine (JVM) usage.

Server CPU Usage (%)

This metric shows the server CPU percentage usage during the last collection interval.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 15 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 15 minutes

JVM Garbage Collector

This metric category provides information about JVM Garbage Collectors.

Garbage Collector - Duration of last Garbage Collection (ms)

This metric indicates the number of milliseconds that the JVM pent on the last garbage collection ended during the last collection interval.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 15 minutes

Garbage Collector - Invocation Time (ms)

This metric indicates the number of milliseconds that the JVM has spent on all garbage collection runs during last collection interval.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 15 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 15 minutes

Garbage Collector - Invocation Rate (per min)

This metric indicates the rate at which the garbage collections happened during the last collection interval.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 15 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 15 minutes

Garbage Collector - Percentage Time spent (elapsed)

This metric indicates the percentage of time that the JVM has spent on all garbage collections during last collection interval.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 15 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 15 minutes

JVM Heap Memory Pool after GC

This metric category provides information about the JVM Heap Memory Pool memory usage metrics after garbage collection.

Memory usage after GC (MB)

This metric displays the amount of memory used by the memory pool after the garbage collection (MB).

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 15 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 15 minutes

Percentage Memory usage after GC (%)

This metric displays the percentage memory usage of the memory pool after garbage collection (%).

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 15 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 15 minutes

JVM Memory Pools

This metric provides information about the metrics for memory usage in the JVM memory pools.

Memory Pool - Type

This metric displays the type of the JVM memory pool.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 15 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 15 minutes

Memory Pool - Current Usage (MB)

This metric displays the amount of memory currently used in the JVM memory pool.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 15 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 15 minutes

Memory Pool - Percentage Usage (%)

This metric displays the current memory usage percentage with respect to the maximum memory available in the memory pool (%).

Target Version Collection Frequency
Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 15 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 15 minutes

Memory Pool - Peak Usage (MB)

This metric displays the peak memory usage by the Memory Pool since the JVM started.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 15 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 15 minutes

JVM Threads

This metric category provides information about the JVM Threads metrics.

JVM Threads - Active Threads

This metric displays the number of active threads running in the JVM.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 15 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 15 minutes

JVM Threads - Peak Threads

This metric displays the maximum number of active threads running at any time in the JVM.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 15 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 15 minutes

JVM Threads - Active Daemon Threads

This metric displays the number of Daemon threads running in the JVM.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 15 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 15 minutes

JVM Threads - Threads created (per min)

This metric displays the number of JVM Threads started during the last collection interval (per minute).

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 15 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 15 minutes

Memory Usage

This metric category provides information about memory usage metrics.

JVM Heap Memory Usage (MB)

This metric displays the amount of memory (in MB) used in the heap.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

JVM Total Heap Memory Usage (MB)

This metric displays the maximum amount (in MB) of heap memory available for the JVM.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

JVM Non-Heap Memory Usage (MB)

This metric displays the amount of memory (in MB) being used in the non-heap.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

JVM Total Non-Heap Memory Usage (MB)

This metric displays the maximum amount of non-heap memory (in MB) available for the JVM.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

JVM Heap Memory Usage (%)

This metric displays the current heap memory percentage with respect to the maximum heap memory available.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

JVM Non-Heap Memory Usage (%)

This metric displays the current non-heap memory percentage with respect to the maximum non-heap memory available.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

JVM Objects Pending Finalization

This metric displays the number of objects waiting to be finalized in the memory.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

Response Metrics

This metric category shows the status of the Apache Tomcat container.


This metric shows the status of the Apache Tomcat container - whether up or down.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes

Session Manager Metrics

This metric category contains the statistics of the sessions managed by the Apache Tomcat container.

Rejected Sessions (per min)

This metric shows the active number of of sessions rejected per minute.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Real-time only

Sessions Created (per min)

This metric shows the number of sessions created per minute.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Real-time only

Active Sessions

This metric shows the number of number of sessions of each application. .

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Real-time only

Thread Pools Metrics

This metric category contains statistics on various thread pools used by the Apache Tomcat container.

Busy Threads

This metric shows the number of busy threads on the Apache Tomcat container.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes


This metric shows the number of threads created on the Apache Tomcat container.

Target Version Collection Frequency

Apache Tomcat 7.x and earlier

Every 5 minutes

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Every 5 minutes