B Validating Command Locations

This chapter describes what property files and the command locations within them you need to validate before installing a standalone Oracle Management Agent (Management Agent). In particular, this chapter covers the following:

Overview of Property Files

Every time you install a Management Agent, the property files mentioned in the platformInfo.properties file are loaded with default locations to commands that are required for successfully running certain Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). For example, the scp executable. This section describes the property files mentioned in the platformInfo.properties file.

Table B-1 describes the property files loaded from the platformInfo.properties file.

Table B-1 Property Files Loaded from platformInfo.properties File

Loading Order Property File Name Type Description




Contains arguments that need to be passed every time the commands listed in this file are run.




Contains paths for all the commands that need to be run, regardless of the operating system.



Operating System-Specific

Contains commands that need to be run for a particular operating system. For example, ssPaths_linux_zseries64.properties.

On Microsoft Windows, the path to the Cygwin binaries is hardcoded in the ssPaths_msplats.properties file. If you install Cygwin in a location other than c:\cygwin (default location), it can cause the Management Agent installation to fail. To resolve this issue, you must either install Cygwin in the default directory (c:\cygwin), or update this properties file with the correct path to the Cygwin binaries.




Contains variables that are used to specify the command paths. You must uncomment the variables that you want to use and specify appropriate values.

Keep in mind the following points:

  • The property files mentioned in the platformInfo.properties file are loaded one-by-one in ascending order. This means that command locations you specify in the last file that is loaded will override the values you specified for the same key in the previously loaded property file.

    For example, spaths.properties is loaded before ssPaths.properties. So if the default location for the scp executable in sPaths.properties file is /usr/local/bin/scp, and if location for the same executable in the ssPaths.properties file is /usr/bin/scp, then the value in the latter file takes precedence over the former file.

  • If you want to include other command variables, then you can do one of the following:

    • Specify the additional command variables in sPaths.properties, ssPaths_<platform>.properties, or userPaths.properties.

    • Create a new property file with additional command variables. Then, mention the name of this new property file in platforminfo.properties.

Validating the Command Locations

The default command locations specified in the property files can vary between hosts and operating systems. Therefore, it is important to verify the command locations before you install a Management Agent.

To validate the command locations, follow these steps:

  1. Access the platformInfo.properties file from the following location of the middleware home, and make note of the property files you need to validate for your platform:


  2. (Not required if the OMS host runs on Microsoft Windows) Access each of the property files you noted in Step (1), and verify that the command locations mentioned for the following variables map to valid locations on the OMS host:
    • SSH_PATH

    • SCP_PATH

    • SH_PATH

  3. Access each of the property files you noted in Step (1), and verify that the command locations mentioned for the following variables also map to valid locations on the destination host:
    • SCP_PATH

    • SH_PATH

    • SSH_PATH



    • RM_PATH

    • LS_PATH