
Adds a storage location in the software library.


emcli add_swlib_storage_location 
        [-credential_set_name="setname"] | [-credential_name="name" - credential_

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    Name of the storage location.

  • path

    Path of the storage location, which can be a file system path or a URL, depending on the storage type chosen.

  • type

    Type of storage location. The default is OmsShared.

  • host

    Target name of the host where the path for the storage location exists. This option is required for storage types OmsAgent, Nfs, and ExtAgent. For the Nfs storage type, the host is not required to be a target in Enterprise Manager.

  • credential_set_name

    Set name of the preferred credential stored in the repository for the host target. This is a requiredoption for storage types OmsAgent and ExtAgent. The set names can be one of the following:

    • HostCredsNormal: Default unprivileged credential set

    • HostCredsPriv: Privileged credential set

  • credential_name

    Name of a named credential stored in the repository. this option is required for storage types OmsAgent and ExtAgent. This option must be specified together with the credential_owner option.

  • credential_owner

    Owner of a named credential stored in the repository. This option is required for storage types OmsAgent and ExtAgent. This option must be specified together with the credential_name option.


This example adds an OMS Agent File system storage location named myOMSAgtLocation for the path /u01/swlib' on host ' The named credential MyCreds owned by EXAMPLE_USER is used for reading/writing files from this location.

emcli add_swlib_storage_location 