
Adds Oracle Virtual Platform(s) to remotely monitor Xen-based Hypervisor(s). The associated Oracle Server and Oracle Virtual Server running on the Hypervisor will is also added.

You can add multiple Hypervisors at the same time. The command returns the name and the execution identifier of the job submitted to add the target(s).

To delete an Oracle Virtual Platform and its related targets, use the delete_target verb.


emcli add_virtual_platform 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    IP address or host name of the Xen-based Hypervisor being added as an Oracle Virtual Platform in Enterprise Manager. There are two ways to provide this value. For only one target, you can directly pass this value at the command line with the name of the Host or the IP address. For multiple values, you can use the "-input_file" option and list the host names, IP addresses, or an IP address range from a file by passing the name of the input file. A new line is used to delimit the host names or the IP addresses. You can specify the host name of a machine, an IP address, or an IP address range on each line.

    See the examples for details.

  • agent

    Target name of the primary agent used to monitor the Oracle Virtual Platform(s) and related targets.

  • failover_agent

    Target name of the failover agent used to monitor the Oracle Virtual Platform(s) and related targets.

  • credentials

    Monitoring credentials (name-value pairs) for the target instance. The "names" are defined in the target type metadata definition as credential properties. Metadata files are located at $AGENT_HOME/sysman/admin/metadata.

    See the examples for details on various options.

  • wait_for_completion

    Flag to indicate if the CLI is going to wait for the submitted job to finish. The default value is false. If the value is true, the progress of the job is printed on the command line as and when the addition of Oracle Virtual Platform(s) Succeeds/Fails.

  • wait_for_completion_timeout

    Time in minutes after which CLI stops waiting for the job to finish. This option is honored only if the value for the wait_for_completion option is true. A negative or zero value does not wait for the job to finish.

    See the examples for details.

  • separator=credentials

    Custom separator for the credential key value pairs. Specify a string delimiter to use between name-value pairs for the values of the -credentials option. The default separator delimiter is ";".

    For more information about the separator option, see -input_file Syntax Guidelines.

  • subseparator=credentials

    Custom separator for a key value pair. Specify a string delimiter to use between name and value in each name-value pair for the values of the -credentials option. The default separator delimiter is ":".

    For more information about the subseparator option, see -input_file Syntax Guidelines.

  • input_file

    Optionally use in conjunction with the -credentials option. You can use this option to set specific target monitoring credential values, such as passwords or SSH keys, in a separate file.

    This option specifies a mapping between a tag and a local file path. The tag is specified in lieu of specific -credentials property values.


Example 1

This example adds an Oracle Virtual Platform with a Unix Sudo user who requires SSH key Passphraseless-based authentication. The SSH private key, SSH public key, and password are read from input files.

emcli add_virtual_platform   
            RunAs:root;PrivilegeCommand:/usr/bin/sudo -S -u %RUN_AS% %COMMAND%;

Example 2

This example adds an Oracle Virtual Platform with a Unix PowerBroker user who requires SSH key Passphraseless based authentication. The SSH private key, SSH public key, and password are read from input files.

emcli add_virtual_platform
           /usr/bin/pbrun -l -u %RUN_AS% %COMMAND%;