
Adds a database as a source to the AWR Warehouse.


  • AWR Warehouse should be configured.

  • The database being added cannot be:

    • An instance of a RAC database

    • The AWR Warehouse

  • The database user should be a DBA.

  • The database user should have execute privilege on SYS.DBMS_SWRF_INTERNAL.


emcli awrwh_add_src_db
[ ] indicates that the parameter is optional


  • target_name

    Name of the target database added as a source to the AWR Warehouse.

  • target_type

    Type of target. The possible values for target type are oracle_database, oracle_pdb, and rac_database.

  • db_cred

    Named credential for the target database.

  • db_host_cred

    Named credential for the target database host.

  • retention_days

    Number of days the AWR data will be retained in warehouse. The default value is one year.

  • upload_interval

    Snapshot upload interval for the source database in AWR Warehouse. The default value is 24 hours.

  • src_dir

    Directory to store extracted dump files. This is an optional parameter except for PDBs on cluster and by default the default agent directory is used.


Success/Error message


The following example adds the target database sample_database as a source to the AWR Warehouse:

emcli awrwh_add_src_db  