
Assigns a test-type to a target-type. If a test-type t is assigned to target-type T, all targets of type T can be queried with tests of type t.


emcli bareMetalProvisioning

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • input_file

    Input XML file confirming to the XSD for bare metal provisioning. See below for a detailed XML file used to provision BMP.

    For more information about the input_file option, see -input_file Syntax Guidelines.


emcli bareMetalProvisioning
       [-input_file="config_properties:input XML"]

XML Example File

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DeployedImage><ImageName>OracleLinux</ImageName><OperatingSystemType>Oracle Enterprise Linux x86 32 bit</OperatingSystemType>
<!--Specify the Operating system type for this operation. Supported operating system types are : Oracle Enterprise Linux x86 32 bit, Oracle Enterprise Linux x86 64 bit, RedHat Enterprise Linux x86 32 bit, RedHat Enterprise Linux x86 64 bit, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server x86 32 bit, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server x86 64 bit-->
<!--Specify the target type for this provisioning operation as follows : MAC : If the provisioning target type is mac address. RE_IMAGE : If reprovisioning the existing EM targets. Subnet : If provisioning all the targets in a Subnet.-->
<!--Specify the network interface type as follows : Dhcp : If the interface configuration is to be dynamically assigned from a DHCP server. Static : If the interface configuration is to be statically configured. Network Profile : If the interface configuration is to be fetched from a Network Profile.-->
<Type>Non Bonding</Type>
<!--Specify the network interface type as follows : Non Bonding : If the interface is not part of any bond. Bonding Master : If the interface is supposed to be the Bonding master of a bond. Bonding Slave : If the interface is supposed to be a Bonding slave as part of bond.-->
<!-- Following are bonding configuration-->
<!--Specify the Bonding Mode in case the interface has the role of Bonding Master.-->
<!--Specify the Slave devices as a csv string in case the interface has the role of Bonding Master. For ex : eth1,eth2-->
<!--Specify the Primary Slave device in case the interface has the role of Bonding Master.-->
<!--bonding configuration-->
<!-- If Configuration is Static <IPAddress></IPAddress> <HostName></HostName> <Netmask></Netmask> <Gateway></Gateway> <DNSServers></DNSServers> -->
<!--Specify if the network interface is the bootable one.-->
<!-- If TargetType is RE_IMAGE: replace <MACAddress> with following <HostName></HostName> <BootableMac>aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff</BootableMac> -->
<!-- If TargetType is Subnet: replace <MACAddress> with following <SubnetIP></SubnetIP> <SubnetMask></SubnetMask> -->
<!-- If TargetType is RE_IMAGE: <HostTargetsPreferredCredSetName>cred1<.HostTargetsPreferredCredSetName> Specify the preferred credentials name to be used for accessing the EM Host targetse to be Re-imaged. -->
<!--Specify the Stage Server host name. For ex :>
<!--Specify the Stage Storage on the stage server. For ex : /scratch/stage-->
<!--Specify the preferred credentials name to be used for accessing the stage server.-->
<!--Specify if the pre-requisties check should be run on the stage server before starting the provisioning.-->
<!--Specify the Boot Server host name. For ex :>
<!--Specify the preferred credentials name to be used for accessing the boot server.-->
<!--Specify if the pre-requisties check should be run on the boot server before starting the provisioning.-->
<!--Specify the Dhcp Server host name. This is required only if DHCP automation is required. For ex : Note : Dhcp automation is supported only for the MAC and RE_IMAGE provisioning types.-->
<!--Specify the preferred credentials name to be used for accessing the Dhcp server.-->
<!--Specify if the pre-requisties check should be run on the Dhcp server before starting the provisioning.-->
<!--Specify the RPM repository name to be used for provisioning operation. For ex : OEL4U8repos-->
<!--Specify the root password for the provisioned machines.-->
<!--Specify the time zone for the provisioned machines.-->
<!--Specify the user name for installing EM agent on the provisioned machines. For ex : oraem-->
<!--Specify the agent installation user's group for installing EM agent on the provisioned machines. For ex : dba-->
<!--Specify a directory for installing EM agent on the provisioned machines. For ex : /var/lib/oracle/agent12g-->
<!--Specify a directory for storing oracle installed product's inventory on the provisioned machines. For ex : /var/lib/oracle/oraInventory-->
<!--Specify agent registration password for installing EM agent on the provisioned machines.-->
<!--Specify a http URL for fetching agent RPM. This is not mandatory if the agent rom is already placed at the staged location-->
<!--Specify a reference anaconda as a string. It will be used to capture properties like Keyboard, mouse. If not provided they will be defaulted to default values.-->
<!--Specify the package list to be installed on the provisioned machines.-->
<!--Specify the ACPI value for the provisioned machines. Supported values are : on, off-->
<!--Specify if the provisioned machines should be booted with paravirtualized kernels.-->
<PostInstallScript>%post echo "post" </PostInstallScript>
<!--This section provides the option of adding commands to be run on the system once the installation is complete. This section must start with the %post command.-->
<FirstBootScript>#!/bin/sh # chkconfig: 345 75 25 # description: Bare Metal Provisioning First boot service # </FirstBootScript>
<!--This section provides the option of adding commands to run on the system when it boots for the first time after installation.-->
<!--Specify if tty is required on the provisioned machines.-->
<!--Specify the SELinux configuration for the provisioned machines. Supported values are : Disabled, Enforcing, Permissive-->
<!--Specify /etc/fstab settings for the provisioned machines.-->
<!--Specify /etc/yp.conf settings for the provisioned machines.-->
<!--Specify /etc/ntp.conf settings for the provisioned machines.-->
<!--Specify /etc/inittab settings for the provisioned machines.-->
<!--Specify the firewall settings for the provisioned machines.-->
<!--Specify the Hard Disk profiles for the provisioned machines.-->
<!--Specify the hard disk configuration details-->
<!--Specify the device name for the disk. For ex : hda,hdb-->
<!--Specify the disk capacity in MB. For ex : 1024-->
<!--Specify the partition configurations for the provisioned machines.-->
<!--Specify the partition configuration details.-->
<!--Specify the mount point for the partition. For ex : /, /root-->
<!--Specify the disk name on which this partition has to be configured. For ex : hda,hdb-->
<!--For ex : /dev/hda1-->
<!--Specify the File System type for this partition. Supported file system types are : ext2, ext3, ocfs2, swap, Raid, LVM-->
<!--Specify the size in MB for this partition. For ex : 5120-->
<!--Specify the RAID configurations for the provisioned machines.-->
<!--Specify the RAID configuration details-->
<!--Specify the raid id . For ex : raid.100-->
<!--Specify the RAID Level for this raid device. Supported RAID Levels are : Raid 0, Raid 1, Raid 5, Raid 6-->
<!--Specify the raid partitions for this raid device as a csv string. For ex : /dev/hda1, /dev/hda2-->
<!--Specify the File System type for this partition. Supported file system types are : ext2, ext3, ocfs2, swap, LVM-->
<!--Specify the Logical Volume Groups for the provisioned machines.-->
<!--Specify the logical volume group configuration details-->
<!--Specify the Logical group name. For ex : mygrp-->
<!--Specify the partitions that take part in this logical volume group as a csv string. For ex : /dev/hda1, /dev/hda2-->
<!--Specify the RAIDs that take part in this logical volume group as a csv string. For ex : raid.100, raid.200-->
<!--Specify the Logical Volumes for the provisioned machines.-->
<!--Specify the logical volume configuration details.-->
<!--Specify the mount point for this logical volume. For ex : /, /root-->
<!--Specify the logial volume name. For ex : myvols-->
<!--Specify the logical group name where this volume should be created. For ex : mygrp-->
<!--Specify the File System type for this partition. Supported file system types are : ext2, ext3, ocfs2, swap-->
<!--Specify the size in MB for this partition. For ex : 5120-->