configure_db_ha -configureRABackup

Configures one or more databases to be protected by a Recovery Appliance, with the ability to send backups and redo to the Recovery Appliance. Also installs the Recovery Appliance Backup Module in the database Oracle homes. (The specified databases must be already enrolled with the Recovery Appliance as protected databases.)

configure_db_ha -configureRABackup


This sub-command is deprecated. Use configureBackupToRA to perform this task.

Databases specified here must be enrolled as protected databases with the Recovery Appliance.


emcli configure_db_ha –configureRABackup
		–ra_target_name="<Recovery Appliance target name>"
		–ra_user="<Recovery Appliance database user name>"
		 (–target_name="<database target name>" –target_type="oracle_database|rac_database") 
		 | input_file="target_list:<full pathname of input file>"

		[–db_cred="<database named credential>"]
		[–db_host_cred="<database host named credential>"]
		[–staging_directory=”<full pathname where Backup Module will be staged on database hosts>”]
				start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm;           
   				tz:{java timezone ID};                                
[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • ra_target_name

    The target name of the Recovery Appliance that the specified databases will be configured to send backups to.

  • ra_user

    The Recovery Appliance database user that will be used by all the specified databases to send backups and redo to the Recovery Appliance. This must be a virtual private catalog user, not the Recovery Appliance administrator user.

  • target_name

    The target name of a single-instance or cluster database that will be configured to send backups to the Recovery Appliance. A multi-database operation can be performed by using the –input_file option instead of –target_name/–target_type.

  • target_type

    The type of the target specified by –target_name, either a single–instance database (oracle_database) or a cluster database (rac_database).

  • input_file
    The input file that contains information for each database that is to be configured. This option is an alternative to -target_name/-target_type. The target_name and target_type lines are required for each database. The db_cred and db_host_cred lines are optional; if these are present for a database, they override the command-line named credential settings (if any) for that database. The format of the file is as follows:
    target.0.target_name=<database #1 target name>
    target.0.db_cred=<database named credential for database #1>
    target.0.db_host_cred=<database host named credential for database #1>
    target.1.target_name=<database #1 target name>
    target.1.db_cred=<database named credential for database #2>
    target.1.db_host_cred=<database host named credential for database #2>
  • db_cred
    The name of an existing Enterprise Manager database named credential that can be used to connect to all the specified target databases. If this argument is not specified, preferred credentials will be used. If multiple databases are specified, this should be a global named credential.


    If the -input_file option is used, this option can be optionally overridden for individual databases.
  • db_host_cred
    The name of an existing Enterprise Manager database host credential that has been created against the Database Instance or Cluster Database target type, (rather than the Host target type) that can be used to run operating system commands on the specified target database hosts. The credential should be for a user that has write permission for all Oracle Homes. If this argument is not specified, preferred credentials will be used. If multiple databases are specified, this should be a global named credential.


    If the -input_file option is used, this option can be optionally overridden for individual databases.
  • enable_redo_ship

    Enables real-time redo transport to the Recovery Appliance from all specified target databases.

  • force_backup_module_install

    Installs the version of the Recovery Appliance Backup Module stored in the Enterprise Manager Software Library into the Oracle Homes of the specified target databases, even if an existing Backup Module has already been installed in the Oracle Homes. Since this option overwrites any existing Backup Module, select this option only if the Backup Module version in the Software Library is at the same or later version than the version installed on all the specified target databases. If this flag is not specified, the Backup Module will be installed only if there is no existing Backup Module present in the Oracle Home.

  • staging_directory

    The directory where the Backup Module installation files will be staged on the database hosts. This directory must exist on all hosts. A temporary subdirectory will be created in this location, then deleted after the installation of the Backup Module and/or file system backup agent is complete. The default directory is <Agent installation root>/EMStage.

  • schedule
    Schedules the customized backup deployment procedure. If schedule option is not provided, the procedure will run immediately.
    • start_time: Time when the procedure has to start execution. The format should be \"yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm\"
    • tz: The timezone ID (optional)
Example 1

The following example configures a single-instance database “Finance” to send backups and ship redo to the Recovery Appliance “Chicago ZDLRA”. It does not install the Backup Module in the Oracle Home of each database if the Backup Module is already present. This example uses named database and host credentials:

	emcli configure_db_ha –configureRABackup –ra_target_name="Chicago ZDLRA" 
	–ra_user="rauser1" –target_name="Finance" –target_type="oracle_database" 
	–db_cred="DB_USER" –db_host_cred="DB_HOST_USER" –enable_redo_ship                     
Example 2

The following example configures a cluster database “Finance” to send backups to the Recovery Appliance “Chicago ZDLRA” without shipping redo. It performs a forced installation of the Backup Module in the Oracle Home of each cluster database instance. This example uses preferred database and host credentials:

	emcli configure_db_ha –configureRABackup -ra_target_name="Chicago ZDLRA" 
	–ra_user="rauser1" –target_name="Finance" –target_type="rac_database" 
Example 3

The following example configures multiple databases specified in the input file “/tmp/dblist” to send backups and ship redo to the Recovery Appliance “Chicago ZDLRA”. It performs a forced installation of the Backup Module in the Oracle Home of each database. The backup module installation files are staged in a custom directory location (/tmp/stage). This example uses named database and database host credentials:

	emcli configure_db_ha –configureRABackup –ra_target_name="Chicago ZDLRA" 
	–ra_user="rauser1" –input_file="target_list:/tmp/dblist" 
	-db_cred="NC_PDB_SYSDBA" –db_cred=”DB_USER” 
	–db_host_cred="DB_HOST_USER" –enable_redo_ship 
	–force_backup_module_install –staging_directory=”/tmp/stage"
Example 4

The following example configures the databases specified in the input file “/tmp/dblist” to send backups and ship redo to the Recovery Appliance “Chicago ZDLRA”. It does not install the Backup Module if it is already present . The example uses global named database and host credentials. The operation is scheduled for a future time as specified:

emcli configure_db_ha –configureRABackup –ra_target_name="Chicago ZDLRA" 
–ra_user="rauser1"  –input_file="target_list:/tmp/dblist"
–db_cred="DB_USER" –db_host_cred="DB_HOST_USER" –enable_redo_ship 
-schedule="start_time:2016/06/28 18:31;tz:PST;"