
Converts a single-instance database to a Real Application Cluster (RAC) database.


  emcli convert_to_cluster_database 
        -sourceTargetName="Single instance database target to be converted to RAC"
        -sysdbaCreds="Named credentials for SYSDBA user"
        -hostCreds="Named credentials for Host"
        [-newOracleHome="RAC Oracle Home, if moving to differnt home"]
        [-racConfigType="ADMIN_MANAGED | POLICY_MA NAGED"]
        [-nodeList="Comma-separated node names for Admin Managed RAC database"]
        [-serverPoolList="Comma-separated list of server pools for Policy Managed
        [-databaseArea="Shared storage location for database files"]
        [-recoveryArea="Shared storage location for recovery files"]
        [-listenerPort="RAC Listener port"]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • sourceTargetName

    Enterprise Manager target name of the single-instance database to be converted to a RAC database. Database versions and above are supported for conversion. The single-instance database target should exist on one of the nodes of the cluster where the RAC database will be created, and the cluster should be an Enterprise Manager target.

  • sysdbaCreds

    Named database credentials with SYSDBA privileges on the database to be converted to a RAC database.

  • hostCreds

    Named host credentials of the user who owns the Oracle home installation.

  • newOracleHome

    RAC Oracle home location of the converted database. You only need to provide this if different from the Oracle home of the single-instance database to be converted.

  • racConfigType

    RAC configuration type. Valid values are POLICY_MANAGED and ADMIN_MANAGED. POLICY_MANAGED is valid only for database versions 11.2 or higher. The default is ADMIN_MANAGED if not provided.

  • nodeList

    List of valid node names for an ADMIN_MANAGED RAC database. It should include the node where the single instance database to be converted exists. If not provided, all the nodes in the cluster are used.

  • serverPoolList

    Comma-separated list of server pool names for a POLICY_MANAGED RAC database. Applicable only for database versions 11.2 or higher.

  • databaseArea

    New location for data files of the RAC database. This location should be shared across the nodes of the cluster. It can either be a Cluster File System location or an Automatic Storage Management diskgroup. If not specified, the existing database files should already be on shared storage, and files are not moved during RAC conversion.

  • recoveryArea

    Fast recovery area location of the RAC database. This location should be shared across the nodes of the cluster. It can either be a Cluster File System location or an Automatic Storage Management diskgroup. If not specified, the existing recovery area location should already be on shared storage, and it does not change during RAC conversion.

  • listenerPort

    Port of the new RAC listener to be created for the new RAC database. If not provided, the existing listener is used. This option is only applicable to 10.2 and 11.1 database versions. For 11.2 or higher database versions, this value is ignored and the RAC database is always registered with the existing listener in the Cloud Infrastructure home.


Example 1

emcli convert_to_cluster_database -sourceTargetName=sidb 
 -sysdbaCreds=sysCreds  -hostCreds=hostCreds racConfigType=ADMIN_MANAGED

Example 2

emcli convert_to_cluster_database -sourceTargetName=sidb 
 -sysdbaCreds=sysCreds  -hostCreds=hostCreds racConfigType=POLICY_MANAGED 
 -serverPoolList=sp1,sp2 -databaseArea=+DATA -recoveryArea=+RECOVERY