
Creates a PaaS Infrastructure Zone.


emcli create_paas_zone
       -name="<PaaS Zone name>"
       -credential="<global named credential>"
       [-description="<PaaS Zone description>"]
       [-cpu_utilization="<value between 1 and 100>"]
       [-memory_utilization="<value between 1 and 100>"]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • name

    Name of the PaaS Infrastructure Zone to be created.

  • credential

    Global named credentials to be used for provisioning in this PaaS Infrastructure Zone. The credentials should be the same for all hosts. A cloud administrator can only use the named credentials that they own.

  • hosts

    A comma-separated list of the host targets to be added as members of this Paas Infrastructure Zone.

  • ovm_zones

    Comma-separated list of the Oracle Virtual Machine (OVM) Zone targets to be added as members of this Paas Infrastructure Zone. You must add at least one host or OVM Zone target for a PaaS Infrastructure Zone to be created.

  • roles

    Comma-separated list of SSA roles that can access this PaaS Infrastructure Zone. A PaaS Infrastructure Zone can be made available to a restricted set of users through the use of roles. The SSA roles should already be created before executing this EM CLI command.

  • description

    Description of the PaaS Infrastructure Zone.

  • cpu_utilization

    Placement policy constraints enable the cloud administrator to set maximum ceilings for any host in the PaaS Infrastructure Zone. This constraint restricts the maximum resource consumption for the host members in a PaaS Infrastructure Zone. For example, a production PaaS Infrastructure Zone might limit CPU utilization to 80%, whereas a development PaaS Infrastructure Zone might allow up to 95 percent utilization. The service instance will be provisioned on the first host that satisfies the placement constraints. The value entered must be between 1 and 100. If not specified, the default value of 80% is used.

  • memory_utilization

    Placement policy constraint for the PaaS Infrastructure Zone that restricts the percent of memory used. The value entered must be between 1 and 100. If not specified, the default value of 80% is used.


This example creates a Paas Infrastructure Zone with the name My PaaS Zone:

emcli create_paas_zone
       -name="My PaaS Zone"
       -description="This is a test PaaS Zone"