
Creates a privilege delegation setting template to apply later. You must create at least one setting to use the apply_privilege_delegation_setting verb.

Standard Mode

 emcli create_privilege_delegation_setting

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional

Interactive or Script Mode


[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • setting_name

    Name of the privilege delegation setting template.

  • setting_type

    Type of setting you want to create.

  • settings

    Parameter value. Choose one of the following parameters:

    %USERNAME% — Name of the user running the command. %RUNAS% — Run the command as this user. %COMMAND% — Sudo command.

    The %USER%, %RUNAS%,, %COMMAND% are tokens that the end-user has to use as-is while creating/modifying the privilege delegation settings. The system replaces these tokens with the actual values at run time depending on the command being run and for which user. Also, %command% should be upper case %COMMAND% for GC.

  • separator

    Delimiter inserted between name-value pairs for the given name. The default value is a semi-colon ( ; ).

    For more information about the input_file parameter, see -input_file Syntax Guidelines.

  • subseparator

    Separator inserted between the name and value in each name-value pair for the given name. The default value is a semi-colon ( ; ).

    For more information about the input_file parameter, see -input_file Syntax Guidelines.


Example 1

These examples create a setting named sudo_setting. The setting is of type SUDO, and the Sudo path used is /usr/local/bin/sudo. Sudo arguments are:


emcli create_privilege_delegation_setting
      -settings="SETTINGS:/usr/local/bin/sudo -S -u %RUNAS% %COMMAND%"

Example 2

This example creates a setting named pb_setting. The setting is of type POWERBROKER, and the PowerBroker path used is /etc/pbrun. Arguments are:


emcli create_privilege_delegation_setting
      -settings="SETTINGS,/etc/pbrun %RUNAS% %PROFILE% %COMMAND%"