
Creates a service template.


emcli create_service_template
       -name="<service template>"
       -service_family="<service family>"
       -service_type="<service type>"]
       -pool_target_type="target type of software pools" 
       [-description="<service template description>"]
       [-input_file="data:<service executable metadata file>"]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • name

    Name of the service template to be created.

  • service_family

    Service family for which the service template is being created, for example DBAAS for database, MWAAS for middleware.

  • service_type

    Service type for which the service template is being created, for example PhysicalWLS for a physical middleware service template.

  • pool_target_type

    Target type of the software pools to be associated with the service template.

  • software_pools

    Comma-separated list of software pools to be associated with the service template.

  • roles

    Comma-separated list of SSA roles that can access this service template. A service template can be made available to a restricted set of users through the use of roles. The SSA roles should already be created before executing this EM CLI command.

  • description

    Description of the service template.

  • input_file

    Contains configuration and profile data in JSON format that will be required for setting values of procedure configuration variables. For example:



This example creates the service template My Service Template:

emcli create_service_template
       -name="Middleware service template August"
       -description="Middleware small instance service template."