
Deactivates the specified MDA finding types. A finding type can have status 'N' (new), 'A' (active), or 'I' (inactive). Only those finding types that are currently active, for example, status 'A', will be deactivated. For others the previous status is retained. Once deactivated, no new targets will be enabled for the finding type, nor will analysis runs be scheduled for the inactive finding type.


emcli deactivate_mda_finding_types      [-finding_types="<list of finding types>"]       [-separator=finding_types="separator_for_finding_types_values"]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • finding_types

    List of finding types. The default separator to be used is ';'.

  • separator=finding_types

    Indicates the custom separator used for the list of finding types. This option is mandatory if any other character apart from ‘;' is used as a separator in the finding types list.


Example 1

The following example deactivates a single finding type:

emcli deactivate_mda_finding_types

Example 2

The following example deactivates multiple finding types:

emcli deactivate_mda_finding_types 